Cam... Here is my method:
1) Identify banks that take CWR's. That takes a little research at doing. If after a while you find they don't take CWR's... MOVE ON! (I'll explain how you find that out in step 5).
2) My approach is NOT volume based. I don't go for big volume and I don't go ALL THE TIME. I go for what they have on hand at any given time. If they have nothing... then I move on.
3) Always be polite and personable! THAT IS KEY! Don't hassle them... and by that... I mean DON'T go there ALL THE TIME bugging them! I go maybe 2 or 3 times a month max.
4) Don't buy more than $100 at a time UNLESS you have found a honey hole (which I did that last year). If they have $600 or $1200... take your $100... search it... and if they are good... go back and get the rest.
5) ALWAYS take what they offer! DON'T be picky! If they have bank wrapped rolls... take them. Make a note... if I go back to that branch and they have gotten more in... and I find they are bank wrapped... AGAIN... I'll take them... ($100 worth MAX)... and I probably won't go back there.
Do I miss some? SURE! Someone on here once said that searching for halves is like fishing in a lake. You have to FIND THE FISH 1st! I don't care how many poles you use... how good your bait is... etc... if you don't know how to find the fish and your not near them... then if you have a billion poles in the water (in this case... the volume searching guys) you may catch one ONCE IN A WHILE... but you will spend A LOT of time for LITTLE effort!
FIND THE FISH (LEARN HOW TO DO THAT)... and then GO FISHING once in a while! That's how I do it!
I debate with myself weather I should tell people that or not (giving away my secrets)... but... I learned how to do this by others on this site telling me the SAME THING! So... I'ts only right that I pass this knowledge along!
PS... My motto for searching coins: Volume is you FREIND when searching for copper! It is your ENEMY when searching for silver!