by neilgin1 » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:14 pm
i think that tarnish is called "toning" on Ag, (correct me if i'm wrong)...from what i see in my limited knowledge, some collectors seem to like it. i like blast white GEM BU!! i keep everything in air tight rolls, buried deep, and i'm crazy as an outhouse rat.
(i made my self laugh, that was a good line)
of all my rolls, i gotta say my favorite is a roll of 1932 Washington's, they're only 8 to 12's, grade wise...maybe 4's i dont know, but they mean something to me, coz i think of the Depression and i think how many hands held these coins, what that money meant to them, etc.
my granma raised me and used to tell me stories about the Depression, so i been expecting this D2 all my life.
the roll i regret LOSING, ie being outbid on Ebay was a roll of UNC 1936 Washington's, it was my own fault, getting cute with nickels, shoulda of went balls to the wall, put an outragous snipe on....coz i think the winner, got it for 18X, or 19X, when UNC rolls were trading 12X...oh well.