132 Million Ounces of Paper Silver Dumped

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132 Million Ounces of Paper Silver Dumped

Postby Copper Catcher » Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:17 pm

On Tuesday March 13th.... 132 Million Ounces of Paper Silver Dumped in 30 Minutes After Federal Open Market Committee Statement

Chairman Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve acknowledged economic conditions continue to improve, while noting that rising oil prices will feed higher inflation

The FOMC noted it expects “moderate economic growth” which should push the unemployment rate down “gradually.” While these are unequivocally positive signs, the Fed was careful to note “significant downside risks to the economic outlook” remain.

In Congressional Testimony, Chairman Ben Bernanke made it clear that while the economy is improving, a self-sustaining recovery is by no means at hand. On the one hand, both labor and housing markets remain depressed, on the other, as noted in Tuesday’s FOMC statement, strains in global financial markets still pose risks, (despite those having “eased”).

The Fed also told markets it is closely following the effect of record-high oil prices on inflation. “The recent increase in oil and gasoline prices will push up inflation temporarily, but the Committee anticipates that subsequently inflation will run at or below the rate that it judges most consistent with its dual mandate,” read the statement. Rising oil prices naturally feed into higher prices at the pump, eating into disposable incomes and constraining the modest recovery.

In other words more BS was spread about how everything is getting better! Right, sure it is...

So folks......when this was happened a massive paper silver dumping took place. Beginning exactly at 2:15 pm EST, 90 million ounces of paper silver were dumped on the market over the next 15 minutes, and a total of 132 million ounces over a 30 minute period from 2:15-2:45pm EST.

It is really sad but no one is even trying to hide anymore the obviously market mapulation taking place.

I am sure gold and silver prices are not being supressed by anyone....including our government! Oh no....You have to be deaf, dumb and blind and trust everything that is said!
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Re: 132 Million Ounces of Paper Silver Dumped

Postby beauanderos » Sat Mar 17, 2012 7:55 pm

John, sign up for the free daily market updates by Andy Hoffman of MilesFranklin.com He follows this VERY closely and of all the analysts I cover I am coming quickly to liking him best. Brother John F silver updates on Youtube are good too, covering the daily haps from a tech chartists point of view. Essentially, the Fed... oops, I meant JPMorgan, can continue to dump paper shorts into the market until infinity... or until physical scarcity thwarts their plans. The longer prices are kept artificially low, the faster investors are scooping up what remains. This is one reason I am doing my very small part by ordering silver fractionals. Those are new coins that are freshly fabricated, directly reducing the above ground supplies of silver... even if it is only by a meager 200 ounces a month or so. If you buy 90%, you're just going weak hands to strong hands, if you buy new silver fracs, you are directly attacking the enemy.
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Re: 132 Million Ounces of Paper Silver Dumped

Postby everything » Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:52 pm

Here is a good old manipulation story.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ca3i6Ny ... r_embedded
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