beauanderos wrote:gold and silver options will expire
TXBullion wrote:explain what it is and what bearing will it have on the price
TXBullion wrote:beauandros, i was hoping youd chime in . I saw a that article on coinflation and wanted to see if opinions here matched that article
JJM wrote:Silver probably should have been "lock limit up" today, give the activity between the Korea's. I think the pump monkey's were in full force keeping the price from going vertical however, given the options expiration tomorrow. I think it will trade sideways tomorrow, perhaps losing a bit of ground in the end. Given the rest of the PIIGS nations on the horizon, and the fact the EU is now doing QE as well to combat this, the short-to-mid term prospects of silver look strong to me. I think we'll see $30 before the 1st of the year. If the conflict in Korea heats up further, all bets are off, I think the volatility will be truly insane from that point forward. "If you don't hold it, you don't own it!"
stateofmind wrote:Ahhhhhh options. Wonderful things, really.
Options are derivatives which give you the option to buy or sell a stock at a certain price, called the Strike Price.
I won't go too far to explain in depth how they are valued(Black–Scholes method), but they are extremely speculative. Call options allow the buyer of the option (you!) the option, but not the obligation to buy the stock at the Strike Price. Put options allow the buyer(again, you!) the option, but not the obligation to sell the stock at the Strike Price.
Call options are bullish, put options are bearish. You can sell them at any time.
Today, I bought a $3000 stake in AIB(Allied Irish Banks) which expire in May 2011 and IRE(Bank of Ireland) options which expire in July 2011. They (all options in general) tend to move MUCH more than if just the stock was bought, since they are so speculative. If you are willing to risk money, options can be a good instrument to make lots of it, as well.
As to the effect it will have on the PM market, I can tell you that it will not be as big as many are thinking. The vast majority of options are not held to expiry, which means that the vast majority have already been sold and renewed.
I'm out of PM's (paper wise), but still have a hoard of coins. They could literally go either way, so I'm getting out of them and making money in different places. The long term trend is still up, however.
Predicting that will have a relatively good up day tomorrow, yet I'm probably wrong.
Thogey wrote:Do any of you think this Korea bull[excrement] will impact the markets tomorrow?
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