OneBiteAtATime wrote:
"I suppose it's possible. Maybe I am crazy. Paranoid. But so long as I'm setting aside something of value - even something that may one day be worth a quarter of its value today - aren't I doing more than the vast majority? I mean 43% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement. Americans!" I sit and stare at mySelf for a while and let that sink in. "Self, I could be wrong. But I'm going to be prepared even if I am wrong. This currency will spin apart some day, perhaps generations from now. If I prepare and train mine well enough - they will come out of it on the other side stronger. I hope I am wrong, Self. I love this country. I don't want to see her torn apart. But I don't want to wake up in the middle of it. I will prepare now for what I hope never to see."
IdahoCopper wrote:I left the big city in 2006. I am in my redoubt, Twin Falls, Idaho, no realized local need to leave. However the world news is getting pretty scary. The more I learn, the more inclined I am to sell ALL of it, buy a sailboat and just GET OUT of the USA.
My reasoning is that the USA is the "big Enchilada" when it comes to the TPTB and their plans. Overthrowing the USA is paramount to total domination. I know that if I wait too long, leaving will no longer be an option.
I know firsthand that a 20 or 30 year respite-to-death in Oceania is much better than being a USA chipped monkey, destined for burning in a FEMA camp.
aaa30040 wrote:I'm reading a good book about the Depression.
The Great Depression: A Diary, by Roth
It is the diary of a middle class lawyer about life in the Depression. I highly recommend it.
But I think our future is more like the last 20 years in Japan. Anyone know a similar book about Japan?
IdahoCopper wrote:What we need is 20,000 ninjas to strike the 10,000 people in real control, and do them all in a 2 hour window, all around the world at the same time. That is likely the only way to wrest control from TPTB. After all, those families have been in the driver's seat for what, 500 years or more? Erase them down to the last newborn, and see what happens on the other side of that re-set.
I am not now, and have never have been a ninja. I do not know any ninjas, I advocate nothing, and I do nothing more than speculate within my right to free speech.
Saabman wrote:Then again....if we built a rather large wooden beaver......
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