Bubble About to Burst!!!

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Bubble About to Burst!!!

Postby aristobolus » Mon Dec 06, 2010 10:50 pm

Now that I have your attention...Gas still costs $2.80 a gallon...I can buy milk for $2.00 to $3.00 a gallon...a Macdouble is still on the dollar menu at MacDonalds,etc... I know that cereal, sugar, etc is up; but there is no hyperinflation yet. So why the massive skyrocketing of PM's? I am not a newbie at buying this stuff- I have been slowly, at times sporadically buying for years; so please no intro lectures. Also, I am not even contemplating selling my hoard; although, if I were near retirement I would probably consider taking gains on some of it.

I am honestly wondering what is going on. Is this price rise an anticipation of the fall of our U.S. economy and the dollar in the near future? Is it massive buying and selling? Or, is it truly a falling dollar? If so, why then can I still buy staples at about the same price as the last few years? Finally, is this yet another ponzi scheme to make money aka junk bonds in the 80's, tech stocks in the 90's, and houses in the 00's. Remember, if they (whoever "they" are) could have manipulated things in the past; why can they not manipulate the price of PM's in the near and far future?

Sorry to ask these questions in such a jubilant atmosphere. Actually I am rejoicing as well; most of my investments are in PM's. But something does not add up, unless this is mainly anticipatory.

I have trust issues.
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Re: Bubble About to Burst!!!

Postby tebam11 » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:00 pm

I think alot of it is anticipatory. Deficit spending always, always 100% of the time leads to ruin. Our Goverment even during boom times still outspends its revenues. Washington is broken, Dems are not the answer, Reps. are not the answer.

History is repeating itself. since the creation of the earth, 100% of fiat currencies have failed. Now people are anticipating the dollar "a fiat currency" to fail.

Seems like to me anyway.
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Re: Bubble About to Burst!!!

Postby Rodebaugh » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:09 pm

No, I think this is a solid post AB.

As they say, "if it seems too good to be true....it probably is". I think we all have a little cold feet moving forward from here (except Ray….silver’s biggest cheerleader). It is probably just a good generalization of the people here on this forum….cautious and quick to hunt for logic to help explain the markets moves. Facts are this: I am a speculator, as is everyone I have ever met. The only cats that have the answers are the market makers and from time to time they even get caught with their hands in the cookie jar. So with that said I have adopted this silver model: Keep buying when you can get a fair deal and keep selling when you can cost average down your stash.
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Re: Bubble About to Burst!!!

Postby Thogey » Mon Dec 06, 2010 11:20 pm

I'm the only RC member who's not 'rejoicing' at this silver BS. I feel like a heroin addict who's fix just doubled in price.

I have a nice hoard, more than I can lift, heavier than Mrs Thogersen, (trust me that's serious weight).

But I don't like this price spike one bit. But I'm still buying. I regret selling every nanogram I've sold. But I've always repalced it. It's like my bank.

I hope the bottom falls out for another 10 years.

And I don't need your comments Ray! Go ahead and take your laxitive, it's past your bedtime anyway
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