I have learned a lot from these boards and been a lurker on and off for a while. I've decided to join and participate a bit. Here are some things I can offer as tips/hints/words of encouragement. I've been sorting on and off for about 3 years now. I mostly sort halves.
As the title says, be creative!!! What does this mean?
Use everything at your disposal. Instead of walking into 4 banks, use Google and look up phone numbers and call 20. Simply ask "do you have any halves (or dimes etc)?" I only have an account at one bank but I use about 10-15 different ones. If they ask if I have an account I am honest and say no. They usually still sell me coin. I am going to open accounts soon at a few more banks to expand my reach a bit but the point is that you can but coin even if you don't have an account at that bank. I've even dumped $200+ at banks with no account. Just walked in and said I wanted to sell rolled coins. They never asked if I had an account.
Use casinos as a good dump source. You can use them in a pinch, late at night or on weekends if need be. They can usually handle a few thousand at a time easily and happily since they figure you'll gamble with the proceeds. If you do gamble, make sure you use dump coins to play as it looks better and makes more sense and saves you trips.
Don't forget supermarket branches of banks. Some of my best hits have come from these sources, sometimes even on weekends.
If you work with coins (for example in retail) dont forget to check all your coins daily. I have found several war nickels, silver dimes, a few silver quarters, wheat pennies, and even a v nickel doing this over the years.
This sounds crazy but give a quick glance around you anytime coins are involved. Keep your eyes open at all times. Check tellers trays visually and offer to buy anything questionable. Take a chance, you never know. I have even found a war nickel in one of the penny trays at a gas station. It looked really dark so I looked at the back and saw it was a war nickel and just took it. No one cared.
Have fun!