by reddirtcoins » Sat Sep 08, 2012 2:34 pm
So while dumping today I ran into an old lady picking up a bunch of generic coins and I noticed a few clad Ikes. You could see that she just finished dumping and that she tried hard to feed them into the Cummins, So, finally thinking quickly I offered to buy them off of her. I broke the ice by pulling an Ike out of my pocket and telling her my daughter and I spend them around town, which is true. Well as it happens I could see that she had a few foreign coins so I offered my full $5 for the 4 Ikes and 2 odd ball coins. She tossed them over and I stuck the in my pocket and she thanked me. After I dumped my halves and got to the car I pulled out the coins to check the Ike's and I heard the "ring"... Looking at the other coins I saw a 1-peso(1959)
and a 5-peso(1859-1959)
... Now that is what you get for being helpful to an old lady.
"Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth, but by washing away from it all that is not gold."- Leo Tolstoy