Gold horror story [Tungsten Filled Gold]

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Re: Gold horror story [Tungsten Filled Gold]

Postby AGgressive Metal » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:07 am

scyther wrote:
AGgressive Metal wrote:This is why I like my gold SMALL, OLD, and FOREIGN. European classical gold standard coins are my favorites (British Sovereigns, Swiss 20 Franc, French 20 Franc, Belgian 20 Franc, German 20 Mark, Russia 10 Rubles, Austrian 4 Ducat, etc).

I heard the sovereign was the most commonly counterfeited coin.

I don't think so but do you have a link?
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Re: Gold horror story [Tungsten Filled Gold]

Postby Robarons » Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:12 am

No link here, but I hear that alot, Sovereigns being faked. But I hear their contemporary fakes, being made at the time England was still world super power and it was the 'the currency' to have. I hear they can be 9k to 22k gold to either capture the gold value or the British Pound value.

On a side note when did the US Dollar become the world's reserve currency? I have to imagine before WW2 if not WW1 the British pound or something currency might have been more easily accepted?
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Re: Gold horror story [Tungsten Filled Gold]

Postby cesariojpn » Mon Oct 01, 2012 4:01 am

Robarons wrote:On a side note when did the US Dollar become the world's reserve currency? I have to imagine before WW2 if not WW1 the British pound or something currency might have been more easily accepted?

At least after WWII.
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Re: Gold horror story [Tungsten Filled Gold]

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:00 am

The Bretton Woods agreement of 1944 established the dollar as the gold-backed world reserve, and the later defense-backed agreements with the Saudis continued the dollar as oil-backed reserve when the US came off of gold in 1971.
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