A Word or two regarding Manipulation

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A Word or two regarding Manipulation

Postby beauanderos » Mon Feb 18, 2013 5:41 pm

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Re: A Word or two regarding Manipulation

Postby OtusLotus » Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:15 pm

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Re: A Word or two regarding Manipulation

Postby Numis Pam » Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:57 pm

+1 :thumbup:
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Re: A Word or two regarding Manipulation

Postby Sheba » Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:23 pm


Thanks very much for that link. Do you have any additional comments, words of wisdom, etc. to add. It really sounds valid, in reading it, to me. Makes me want to go buy a little more silver (physical :D).

One thing, in reading this article, there seemed to me to be a suggestion of government control over the holdings of those who might have silver and gold stacked. That was also brought up regarding Arizona in another post here. Any comments about that possibility?


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Re: A Word or two regarding Manipulation

Postby SilverDragon72 » Mon Feb 18, 2013 10:43 pm

Good article! Now, let's all go out and buy more physical PM's. Screw JP Morgan!
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Re: A Word or two regarding Manipulation

Postby shinnosuke » Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:27 pm

Some months ago I remember a grassroots movement to get every American to buy an ounce of silver on a certain day, just one ounce per American, as a way of stiffing JPM. We should get that going again, but on a monthly basis. How about the 13th or the day before or after if it falls on a day when the LCS, etc. is closed?

This year, 2013, is 100 years since the fractional reserve, life-blood sucking, illegal and immoral monstrosity known as the Federal Reserve began. Let's remember this travesty of justice by buying silver every month on the 13th. JPM is a member bank owner of the Fed Res. Make 'em pay.

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Great article, by the way. And a question for you Ag gurus. Let's say the .gov says hoarding is going to become illegal as of a certain date. Will prices go up and inventory disappear, as in guns after Sandy Hook, or will the country be awash with supply because weak hands will get out while still legal to do so?
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Re: A Word or two regarding Manipulation

Postby Hawkeye » Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:06 am

Great article. Thanks.
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Re: A Word or two regarding Manipulation

Postby beauanderos » Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:38 am

shinnosuke wrote: And a question for you Ag gurus. Let's say the .gov says hoarding is going to become illegal as of a certain date. Will prices go up and inventory disappear, as in guns after Sandy Hook, or will the country be awash with supply because weak hands will get out while still legal to do so?

What would YOU do? What would Joe Sheeple do? Form your own conclusions. I don't think the country would be awash in silver... because you're presuming that there's an extensive above-ground physical supply, which I don't think there is... even in strong hands. What silver there is would swiftly flow to industrial consumption until exhausted. If such a mandate was put into place, I doubt there would be any incentive left to play the futures market, and true price discovery might finally be implemented.

I think you would see an exodus of "private" silver hoards leaving the country, by any means possible, rather than a conversion to fiat... at least by those among us who understand the dynamics of real money vs toilet paper. The Sheeple? They'll flock to the Cash 4 Silver shops to sell the funny looking quarter grandma kept from her birth year.
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