I went to my first coin show yesterday. I was kind of looking for some Silver art bars or good deals on Moragans or Peace $'s. I suppose I was kind of surprised at the cost above spot on silver. The average seemed to be $2.00 above spot. I found one dealer that had junk rounds of .999 for 1.50 over.
I said thanks and was about to turn around, when he started on the whole "It's high because we have to pay state tax on this and to be honest with you, most of us are losing are asses on silver, since it went down" I pretty much said "yeah, I hear ya" and went on my way.
This got me to wondering: If you taking such a huge hit, then why are you selling it and not stacking it for the rebound? Also, By the sale of your other merchandise, are you not covering the loss on your silver? I know your not in buisness just to break even, but you have to be doing something right, or you wouldn't be there.
I guess his statement about justifying the price kind of irritated me, as I'm sure if he bought it low and silver went up, he wouldn't be "I got money falling out of my ass, I'll sell it to you at spot!"
Now, in defense of the dealers selling, I understand they need to put gas in thier car to get there and it all costs $$. I should also say that I may be spoiled, as my LCS sells 999 at a buck over and I've been buying at that for a while.
Do you folks sell silver at a huge loss, or is your average buy price factored in? I would like to see your thoughts on this. Thanks