Today I put a WTB ad on the local craigslist to buy gold mining stuff. Looking for sluices, riffles, dredge, trommel, etc. Within a half hour a guy called, so I went over to see what he had.
He had a home-built dry washer in fair condition, some gold pans and a nalgene bottle with some mercury.
I passed on the dry washer and offered $10 for 3 of the gold pans, he took it. Then I asked about the mercury. He pulled it out, the weight unknown. I said I have no idea of the value, he said he got it in an auction lot with the other stuff and didn't know either. I offered him $11, all I had in my wallet. He took it.
I get home and look up the current price of mercury. Its $1,850 per 76-lb flask. I weighed the bottle and its at 5 lbs 6 oz. I guess the sturdy plastic bottle could weigh about 6 oz; so I got roughly 5 pounds of Hg for $11.00.
Value $121.70. Not bad.