by Morsecode » Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:44 pm
(how the average American sees the world right now through the MSM spin cycle)
Unemployment is falling; the housing market has not only stabilized, but is poised for better days; 0% interest rates are here to stay, along with 1% inflation; the Stock market is about to take off without you so you should be long equities and short everything else; the deficit is not to be feared; Obama's re-election is a mandate for all the social inequality that's been a drag on the economy; and wide open immigration & healthcare are paths to prosperity.
That's pretty much the drumbeat the casual (97% of the populace) observer hears, day in and day out. Why should commodities...particularly the ones unaffected by weather, be expected to outperform?
In this country at least, Sentiment is King. Remember Louis Ruykeyser's favorite Wall Street sage...Rosie Scenario?
From hence ye beauties undeceived, know one false step is ne'er retrieved
and be with caution bold.
Not all that tempts your wandering eyes and heedless hearts is lawful prize,
nor all that glistens gold.
- Thomas Gray, 1747