Silvertowne premium jump

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Silvertowne premium jump

Postby JerrySpringer » Sat Jun 29, 2013 7:12 pm

Premium on the ST generic house bar jumped a buck. Used to be $3.20 to ship, now it is $4.20: ... r-bar.aspx

I guess their costs went up or something. Anyway, still not a bad deal IMHO if you want to casually buy an ounce of silver every now and then and not burn up the gallon of gasoline the premium would pay for anyway when you went to a LCS and paid spot+premium + the cost of gasoline + maybe tax (!!).

I pulled the trigger the other day on an order at another dealer. At today's spot pricing, glad to say I am only a $1.40 over spot including shipping costs. Now, when my order arrives, well that will be interesting. I think a boatload of people ordered the other day. Supplies may take a while to catch up.
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Re: Silvertowne premium jump

Postby Rastatodd » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:22 am

I'm a big fan of Silvertowne's 5 oz. poured bar. From time to time they will sell those bars with free shipping so I take advantage of that offer when ever it arises. But it has been a while since that has happen so with silver being down I shop them in their eBay store and purchase that same bar for $125 with FREE shipping. Right now they are selling that bar on their website for $119.50 plus $11.95 shipping. I save $6.45 shopping their eBay store. Hopefully silver will stay depressed for a while so as to take advantage of some cost averaging. :D
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