There's a lot of silver for sale.

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There's a lot of silver for sale.

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:40 pm

I noticed that after Fridays exuberant bounce, there is now a LOT of good silver for sale/offer.

when I say that, i'm referencing rolls of either .999 ASES or 90% American coinage.

whereas before and during the plunge, you couldn't find ASES on rolls offered, and I actually saw a roll trade below $500.

everything else, Franklin's, 64 Kenn's, Roosie's, Washingtons's (I see a LOT of 64's in BU) and Morgans.....and the bidding is rather sedate.

all good signs. I think....and this is just a guess, that those who are "nervous in the service", view this bounce as a temporary phenom....and want out.

So, yes, there is ample supply to take advantage of, in retail amounts.

i'm excited about the upcoming Independence Day light of all the tomchichanery afoot, ie, the criminals who inhabit either the legislature or executive, I want to focus within myself what the 4th of July really means. Liberty Freedom Justice.
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Re: There's a lot of silver for sale.

Postby smackvay » Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:20 pm

Amen brother :clap:
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