68Camaro wrote:The buy signal for me is continuing high unemployment (no matter the official numbers), 18 trillion in direct debt and growing plus untold more in future obligations, continuing bric central bank acquisition of gold, several new or pending wars (Syria, ISIL, Ukraine - to name three), continuing expansion of a US form of socio-fascism based on an imperial presidency, continuing Fed intervention in markets and interest rates, and a new real estate bubble building and due to burst within next 6-24 months. The world economy is worse now than 2007-8.
68Camaro wrote:The buy signal for me is continuing high unemployment (no matter the official numbers), 18 trillion in direct debt and growing plus untold more in future obligations, continuing bric central bank acquisition of gold, several new or pending wars (Syria, ISIL, Ukraine - to name three), continuing expansion of a US form of socio-fascism based on an imperial presidency, continuing Fed intervention in markets and interest rates, and a new real estate bubble building and due to burst within next 6-24 months. The world economy is worse now than 2007-8.
beauanderos wrote:68Camaro wrote:The buy signal for me is ...
so... then... you're saying you can't really put your finger on anything? It's more just like a gut feeling?
68Camaro wrote:The buy signal for me is continuing high unemployment (no matter the official numbers), 18 trillion in direct debt and growing plus untold more in future obligations, continuing bric central bank acquisition of gold, several new or pending wars (Syria, ISIL, Ukraine - to name three), continuing expansion of a US form of socio-fascism based on an imperial presidency, continuing Fed intervention in markets and interest rates, and a new real estate bubble building and due to burst within next 6-24 months. The world economy is worse now than 2007-8.
beauanderos wrote:I'm burned out by all the rah-rah enthusiasm of the newsletter writers. The bullion banks can paint the tapes any way they want, rendering technical analysis useless. Consider the end game... the longer silver trends sideways to down... or tries to rise and gets bitch-slapped... the more people will grow discouraged. Weak hands will loosen their grip on silver (while the strong hands
continue to stealthily accumulate, unfazed by the price-suppression schemes). Miners will shutter unprofitable operations if they can't even recoup their costs, higher grade ore veins will be mined out and production dwindle. At whatever point in time silver does explode, it will do so with an even greater vengeance than anticipated by those now, simply because the suppression lends kinetic energy to the force of the rebound. For all I care, prices can remain where they are for another three or four years... while I happily continue to convert every spare dollar into real money.
68Camaro wrote:The buy signal for me is continuing high unemployment (no matter the official numbers), 18 trillion in direct debt and growing plus untold more in future obligations, continuing bric central bank acquisition of gold, several new or pending wars (Syria, ISIL, Ukraine - to name three), continuing expansion of a US form of socio-fascism based on an imperial presidency, continuing Fed intervention in markets and interest rates, and a new real estate bubble building and due to burst within next 6-24 months. The world economy is worse now than 2007-8.
Engineer wrote:Does anybody want to buy a house cheap? I'll let it go for $1600
...face value pre-33 gold eagles
fansubs_ca wrote:Engineer wrote:Does anybody want to buy a house cheap? I'll let it go for $1600
...face value pre-33 gold eagles
Does math...
Ironically that's still noticably less than houses in my neighborhood go for.
1) It's still more Gold than I have.
2) Your state is not convenient to the possible tenants I'd want to rent it out to. ^_-
Engineer wrote:If you don't have the gold, I could let you have it for free.
As is. Includes free wife. No returns accepted.
68Camaro wrote:The buy signal for me is continuing high unemployment (no matter the official numbers), 18 trillion in direct debt and growing plus untold more in future obligations, continuing bric central bank acquisition of gold, several new or pending wars (Syria, ISIL, Ukraine - to name three), continuing expansion of a US form of socio-fascism based on an imperial presidency, continuing Fed intervention in markets and interest rates, and a new real estate bubble building and due to burst within next 6-24 months. The world economy is worse now than 2007-8.
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