I think this is a good topic that affects all. The question is: What is the best way to handle a counterfeit metal buy.
It is totally possible and likely probable that many fake coins are being sold and bought unknowingly to both parties.
Here on RC, the protocol seems to be " if it's fake the seller sucks it up"
I sent back a silver coin to one of my favorite trading partners a while ago. I believed the silver round to be suspect. He immediately refunded the price of the coin. I sent it back. He cut it in half and tested it. It turned out to be good. I felt like a fool. and told him to keep the scrap and the money. I was wrong and the seller handled the situation in a class manner, as expected from this individual. BTW this incident has not affected our trading relationship.
What should the protocol be? Buyer beware? I have been offered and even bought fake stuff on the street (not RC) from guys who thought their stuff was real, and it wasn't. They were not trying to rip me off. They were just fooled as well.
How should this be handled? It's just going to get worse.