I am not up to speed on all the tax stuff surrounding estates and inheritances...so maybe this is just irrelevant...but I have been thinking....hypothetically of course.
Seriously, this is hypothetical, because I don't really have any wealth to pass on.
But for the fun of it, I have been thinking about what happens to assets when people die. Most people die with no PMs....rather, their assets are in the form of real estate, tangible goods, IRAs, 401(k)s, Checking and Savings accounts...etc. In other words, accounts with financial institutions, real estate, and household belongings. What if, instead of passing on IRAs and such, we passed on some AGEs and ASEs that no one knows about in the safe. Would it change things for our heirs and how they could deal with the assets from a tax standpoint?
Is there any advantage in passing on bullion vs. accounts with finance institutions?