Italian finds!

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Italian finds!

Postby FatherRosado » Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:45 am

I just got back form a Pilgrimage I lead to Italy. We went to see the Shroud of Turin, some cool churches, the pope and other nice things. I was in a Church shop in Sienna and I found a nice sized Miraculous Medal for 50 Euro. I think its about an ounce but i have not weighed it. In Italy they have the sterling silver stamp and the manufacturer stamp! I wear it under my clerics every day. I also saw two churches that were decorated with gold leaf on the ceiling. Apparently kings in the past donated the gold for the decoration. Like any other realcenter I asked what the value of the gold was. No one knew how many pounds of gold were up their.
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Re: Italian finds!

Postby AGgressive Metal » Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:22 pm

When I lived in WV, the capital was (and still is) covered with gold leaf on the exterior of the dome. Due to weathering, it has to be redone every couple decades or so. They have to bring in craftsmen from Italy or Greece to do it! I have heard urban legend of people finding gold leaf on the ground near the capital on windy days....

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Re: Italian finds!

Postby beauanderos » Fri Jul 03, 2015 11:07 am

That Capitol building looks like it was built to house nothing but Left wingers? :shock: :?
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Re: Italian finds!

Postby FatherRosado » Sun Aug 30, 2015 6:17 am

so if the gold leaf is on the floor is it still government property?
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Re: Italian finds!

Postby cooyon » Sun Aug 30, 2015 8:59 am

FatherRosado wrote:so if the gold leaf is on the floor is it still government property?

Taxpayer property.
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