here's the article from ZH:
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-12-0 ... ver-market
the settlement was 38 mln USD...peanuts I know, BUT, these idol worshippers are gonna rat out their buddies , vitamin D deficient trading room humps, I know these type of guys, I grew up with them, they disgusted then, they disgust me now BECAUSE ..A. they have no honor and B. all their tom chicanery does is give ammo to commies who say "capitalism doesn't work", which is a lie, because free market mercantilism DOES work....but if men were angels, we wouldn't need sound regulations to smoke out these liars thieves crooks...which is why I was barking at a certain fly fisherman, I know some of you thought I was being an a-hole...but I KNEW his game......sorry to rant...let me close with a FOND wish for a Merry Christmas for all you guys and your kin, n