It's been a while since I aggressively went to banks and got rolls/boxes of halves. That said, some of us are still active sorters and have lots more expertise than others. There is another thread about $500 boxes of halves, but let's make this one just halves in general. I mention halves because it appears the general consensus is that half dollar rolls are typically more productive than dime or quarter rolls.
Here are some questions I'd like to see feedback on...
What do you do when you see rolls with markings on them, such as someone's initials?
What do you do when you see bank wrapped rolls that appear to be loose on one end, as if perhaps someone went through them?
Do you save impaired proofs if they are NOT silver?
Do you save 2002 to date coins (which have lower mintages)?
Do you buy Loomis rolls?
Do you buy Brinks rolls?
Do you ask your teller to check with other tellers or do you consider that rude?
Do you ask your teller to see if that have any other odd or unusual coins or bills in their cash drawer?
If someone says they only have 1 or 2 halves, will you accept those or is there a certain minimum you are looking for?
highroller4321 has these tips on another thread, where he said:
"You are always better off with small local banks.
You are always better off getting ALL of the half dollars a bank has. (This doesn't work if you live in a big town)"
Please feel free to add other questions or comments as well.
I can appreciate someone who is new to sorting halves being enthusiastic and wanting to be helpful. However, please realize that if you had, for instance, one $500 box of Loomis halves that had a single 40%er in it, that doesn't make Loomis rolls the mother of all opportunities.
Please try to be as specific as possible with your tips as others (including this guy) are looking for any helpful nuggets that are available.