I'm sure there are casual viewers of this site who don't carefully read everything that is published. A short while back I became intrigued with the success that saabman was having going through half dollars. I reached out to him, but apparently he didn't track the results in total- other than reporting on this site. So I became curious, because it seemed that he was doing quite well.
I decided to create an Excel spreadsheet to write down the results of his frequent postings in the Half Dollars found threads on this site. He typically gets three $500 boxes per week. This is what I've found:
As of 8/26/18 (yesterday) saabman showed activity from April of this year until now that included a total of 47 boxes gone through. From those boxes he found 141 silver halves, which is exactly 3.00 halves per box. And that included plenty of boxes where he found nothing!
There was a period from December of last year until April of this year where he didn't post anything. I believe he said his previous bank closed and he was in the process of trying to find a new place to source halves.
Before the period of inactivity, if we look at the year of 2017 he went through 89 boxes and averaged 1.3 silver halves per box.
I did reach out to saabman before publishing this post. First of all, congratulations on being such a model of consistency with regards to your efforts and results. Many have given up on looking through rolls and this is a great example of what hard work can do for you! Anyone who thinks that he is lucky is simply missing the boat.
At the end of his posts saabman always says "Cerca trova"- I was curious about the meaning of that. It means "Seek and you shall find." I think that is a very appropriate thing to say. Congrats, saabman, on your successes as documented here. I hope that you continue to experience the success that you deserve.