Excellent new analysis of the Gold/Silver Ratio

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Excellent new analysis of the Gold/Silver Ratio

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:30 pm

Dear brothers, I thought this might be helpful. I hope and pray you are ALL blessed and safe in these days, Neil
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Re: Excellent new analysis of the Gold/Silver Ratio

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Feb 15, 2020 7:57 pm

neilgin1 wrote:Dear brothers, I thought this might be helpful. I hope and pray you are ALL blessed and safe in these days, Neil

here's the Wheaton PM's pdf report that was embedded in the above:

this is just "me", but i'm never trading Ag for paper fiat....I know a lot of guys buy and sell Ag NOW, and that's great, no sarc, I just don't wanna lose my "bank", plus I don't wanna deal with that 1099 foolishness...anyway, if i'm still alive when these morally bankrupt institutions crater this nation, the way I will trade Ag (besides for foodstuffs, hind quarters of beef, etc) is the Gold/Silver ratio, ranging from an opening of 15/1 and will go maybe 30/1...meaning I will give you 30 toz of Ag for 1 toz of Au, but my county is real rural, (pop 20,000) and I doubt if there's more than 100-300 toz of Au, countywide...who knows...whos know anything in these days, but there it is....oh, one more thing i'd like to share, before this whole corona virus went to mass media, I was concerned about the whole mess, the trajectory of the whole thing rang my warning bells, and open sourcing, in Thailand, two doctors used a three drug combination of an anti-viral medication with two retrovirals, with 100% success on the first 6 postives……..i'll cut and paste from a letter I wrote to my doctors.....(use it, don't use it, just trying to be part of the solution, rather than letting them fear porn us)

"Scientists trying to trace the evolution of the virus in order to understand how to contain it using knowledge gleaned from previous coronavirus outbreaks (SARS and MERS among them) discovered something strange: Initially, researchers believed that they had found a string of genetic code that hasn't been present in other coronavirus strains, but is similar to strains found in "the HIV-1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag."

Now, Dr. Feigl-Ding later pointed out that subsequent research confirmed that some similarities have, in fact, been found in other known coronavirus strains. The similarities are certainly interesting.".....(cont)

"Two doctors from Rajavithi Hospital in Bangkok (Dr. Kriangsak Atipornwanich and Associate Professor Dr. Subsai Kongsangdao) decided to use oseltamivir, an anti-flu drug used to treat MERS along with lopinavir and ritonavir, two AIDS drugs that had been used with some success in Beijing, to treat a female patient whose condition was rapidly deteriorating.

The patient was admitted to Hua Hin Hospital then transferred to Rajavithi Hospital on Jan. 29.

We checked related information and found anti-flu drugs were effective on MERS so we combined both groups of medications," he said. "After poor lab tests for 10 days, the test finally turned positive after 48 hours of administering the medications. The treatment, as well as the recovery, is fast."
(https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ ... aids-drugs)

, oseltamivir, lopinavir, ritonavir....

and, imho, you could throw TWO courses of Levaquin into the mix,that medication saved my life in 2008, when i caught strep sepsis, so there ya go.....be good ya'll, n
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