Silver Price Suppression

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Silver Price Suppression

Postby beauanderos » Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:56 am

Usually, the rat bastards wait until after a big runup to crush the price, but at times - I suspect this is one - they employ reverse psychology to thin the field of potential players. The market is down several days in a row, with nearly perfect pattern symmetry, obvious even to the uninitiated that foul play is at work. A small (or significant) Asian runup takes places, then is squashed, either overseas or as soon as the blokes in London sit down at their desks. The same thing occurs when a runup threatens to excite the American silver investors, the New York traitors kill the move (usually coinciding with the space on the Kitco charts that corresponds to the space in the lettering between New and York). Now then, strategically... if they wait until after a big move occurs, it might take more selling of naked shorts to reverse the move, then if they were to negate a potential runup in price in the first place by shaking investor confidence and triggering stop losses, eliminating contestants before the race even begins. So... based on this premise... something really big might be about to hit the market (the insiders know it's coming), and JPMorgan and their criminal enterprise are attempting to control the market in advance (proactively) rather than react to it (reactively). What do they know that we don't? And are we about to see a huge recovery move based upon an announcement of some shocking revelation? Image
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Re: Silver Price Suppression

Postby Country » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:17 am

If JPM and friends wish to liquidate their short positions, they will be incremental buyers (to close out their short positions) when a selloff is engineered. Their strategy has been to initiate their massive short positions as massive long positions are built. I think most of these selloffs are used in that way. However, what is going against them is the rising SILVER price equilibrium level due to the undervalued price of SILVER.

SILVER seems to be in a CONSOLIDATION move right now. I still don't see a significant correction at this price level.

Going down pretty good right now. I guess we'll have to see what develops.
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