Effects of the silver/gold market from weather events

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

Please Note: These articles are to inform your thinking, not lead it. Only you can decide the best place for your money, and any decision you make will put your money at risk. Information or data included here may have already been overtaken by events – and must be verified elsewhere – should you choose to act on it.

Effects of the silver/gold market from weather events

Postby HPMBTT » Fri Mar 11, 2011 2:14 pm

I'd like to start a new thread on the short-term and long-term affects on the physical gold/silver markets when disaster strikes somewhere in the world in the form of a major weather event; of course, we are all reading about the tsunami in Japan right now.

How does this affect the little guy (that's most of us here)? What do you plan to do differently? Are you going to hoard more/less now, as a result? How does this affect your local coin dealer etc..

Anyway, here's an article from Kitco to get us started.
http://www.kitco.com/reports/KitcoNews2 ... focus.html
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Re: Effects of the silver/gold market from weather events

Postby involuntary tentacle » Fri Mar 11, 2011 4:59 pm

ustream live NHK coverage
when you hear the distinct beeping sound, its an imminent earthquake warning, with a map marking the spot of where it will be hitting.

With Japan getting hit by massive earthquakes (NOT AFTERSHOCKS) once every 2 minutes, we might not have much of a Japan to worry about.
They will either be in the Pacific or stuck rebuilding the entire eastern portion of their country.
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