First, I buy silver because I am bored. Because I love the hunt, because I am sitting in front of the TV, because I have $500 in checking and the lot is $480, because, because because because.......
Since I have been regularly buying silver, my small collection is up 50 plus percent. With it should be joy, but all I find is disappointment. I am disappointed because every day I realize the GREAT deals are harder and harder to find. Even last fall, I was able to find 90% coin for 75% of spot, eagles for $2-$4 dollars less than spot, and random rounds for a song.
Now, I have to pay.... pay out the nose. My specialty was Craigslist, and I was one of 3 buyers constantly on the beat. Now I am one of 10 plus, and the game has changed. No more calls from people willing to take $80 for their roll of merc's or $16 for a Peace dollar. Nope, now, not only are they looking for spot, they are trying to get above it. ASE? I found some from $35 this week, but only a few. One for $33.50 from a post here. But I am hungry. With spot all over the board, I watch it with amazement and at the same time worry that I will have to soon change my favorite hobby.
I cannot afford to go higher than $36. I have decided that this is the line in the sand. I will cap all future buying if I have to pay a melt value above it. It will be painful, like quitting smoking or surfing (when I became land locked).
Tonite, across my Craigslist App, came a deal. One I would have never taken before. A lot of 40 Walkers in good - fine condition for $500. That is more than I want to pay. I called him, and got him to come down to $480. The deal is done. $12 bucks a piece and I have buyers remorse. <sigh>
I have found myself more and more interested in pennies. A buddy and I have a Ryedale. It is fun, but doesn’t give the thrill silver buying gives me. I guess, I'll just have to reflect on the good old days. The days that is probably long since past.