Hi all,
I'm wondering what tips anyone has for increasing my volume. I live in a fairly large city, almost equidistant to several branches of several banks. I use them all. I've probably been to 50+ banks in the past week, gobbling up CWR of halves, dimes, quarters (not so great) and nickels.
I have a pending order for a box of halves. But my question is, do I need to start just ordering more coins? Like order 2 boxes of dimes, 2 halves, 2 nickels, etc every week? I only have an account at one bank and there are maybe 5 branches within driving distance. I could open other accounts...I think this is a smart idea. But I've only been turned down on coins one time, and my aunt had an account and so we went back to get those rolls. I like CWRs because they are a wildcard-you never know who is turning in what, and you can easily score solid silver rolls, especially in halves. I've had very very bad luck with $500 boxes of halves but much better luck with stuff customers just turn in. I've been running around all week and now I'm starting to run out of places to ask and drive to. I've literally hit up almost every bank within 10 miles of me, calling/going in and asking for halves and taking 100% of what they have.
So does everyone who puts in volume pretty much order stuff and just pick up/dump each week?
I asked my bank to order bags of halves but they can "only" order $500 boxes and a few of the branches are giving me a hard time. Should I look around for good banks that will basically order whatever I want? I want to get some loose $1000 bags of halves because again people might just turn in a bunch of silver at the counter and it goes straight to the bag-no one will pull it out in the meantime.
I will give a few tips for others who have patiently read through my post.
-Be creative. Use everything/everyone at your disposal. I've had great hits at bank branches inside of supermarkets. I've also had nice hits thanks to friends/family letting me use them either for pickups or dumps. I always take care of them and buy them dinner. Also, use different sites such as Craigslist for local deals. It doesn't hurt to watch out for promotions on sites such as APMEX or Kitco, especially with free shipping. And I can't stress it enough. Be creative. Think outside the box. Use credit unions. I even use my local casino for dumps sometimes. They have a counter that does not charge a fee (I know, I took in $500 in halves and got back exactly $500, and I asked and they confirmed). If you're in a pinch, borrow the money from a friend or family and simply pay it back from the dump. Like if you have a bank that has $750 in halves but you only have $200 cash, borrow the rest if you can and pay it back after you dump, then take the person out and thank them. Who knows, you may hit solid silver!
-Keep a positive attitude. There will be periods of bad runs and good runs. Keep it all in perspective. Do as much volume as you can handle.
-Be friendly. No one hates a sore loser, so if you're running skunky keep your head up. Also if the bank doesn't or can't meet your request, don't be rude. You never know when/how you will need to use that bank in the future.
-Don't be too open. You don't want tellers to catch on and start grabbing your silver. Make conversation and jokes but don't brag about big hits.
-Be smart. Ask banks when you pick up CWRs if they get them in often. Some banks get halves every other day, some have them for months at a time. Pay attention. If you hit silver, make sure you keep checking back at the same place every few days. Check during summer travel season and the holidays. People in a pinch will trade in silver without even knowing it because they are hard up for cash.
Good luck! I look forward to some good tips as well. Mainly to increase my volume, but any others are more than welcome!