Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

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Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby panther » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:06 pm

Just picked up 41 Peace/Morgans in excellent condition for $1100 even, which is even nicer considering we just attacked Libya with 112 cruise missiles.

I'm thinking a .75 jump between 5pm and midnight ET on Sunday, closing above 36.50 on monday.

Anyone else thinking it will jump? Or will oil drop on Monday?
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby blackrabbit » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:09 pm

I think all commodities will be heading north when the markets open, but economics can surprise me so I would like to hear from other knowledgeable folks.
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby 97guns » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:59 pm

im buying this weekend also, looking to add 20-30 ounces to the stack. so far ive snagged 9 morgan/peace dollars but not quite the deal you got. i paid $27.90 a piece
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby Morsecode » Sat Mar 19, 2011 8:26 pm

You have my vote for Best Thread title so far in 2011 :D

I picked up 3 Batman movie .999 rounds today, one in the original collectors box dated 1989. I don't think they'll top out though until we attack Hollywood.
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby SilverFish » Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:24 pm

I see a replay of last week’s action sideways Monday, touch $33.50 Tuesday at Noon, $2 intraday Wed and Thur then Fridays close down a dollar from last week 34.25. Gold will close $1460 Friday the GSR will increase by 1 ounce per week till June. Just a hunch ;)
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby mr18 » Sat Mar 19, 2011 10:59 pm

damn panther, good buy. I have only gotten morgans/peace dollars for no less than 29 bucks a piece. ill be going to my local antique flea market tomorrow an hopefully i will get as lucky as you.
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby aristobolus » Sat Mar 19, 2011 11:41 pm

And to think I was excited at snaggin two 40% Kennedys for $8.00 (including shipping) on Feebay today. Congrats.
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby walt2727 » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:45 am

Nice catch. I wish I had some extra money this weekend to buy. Like blackrabbit said, I expect the markets on Monday to be interesting.
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby VWBEAMER » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:22 am

Khaddafi didn't bomb the USA when our government used tanks against it own people in WACO, should not Obama give Khaddafi the same respect?
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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby shinnosuke » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:50 am

VWBEAMER wrote:Khaddafi didn't bomb the USA when our government used tanks against it own people in WACO, should not Obama give Khaddafi the same respect?

Well said. By what authority does our government do this stuff? (Please don't appeal to the UN charter.) And where are all the devoted Obama fans that supported him because he promised to get us out of Iraq and AFG? (A rhetorical question because I know they don't regularly visit this website.) Now their Messiah is getting us involved in another war against mostly Muslim wonder they hate us.

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Re: Nice snag @ coin shop today, + WE JUST ATTACKED LIBYA

Postby barrytrot » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:52 am

VWBEAMER wrote:Khaddafi didn't bomb the USA when our government used tanks against it own people in WACO, should not Obama give Khaddafi the same respect?

We also didn't do anything when China did far worse than Ghadafi. The issue is that we *CAN* push Libya around, they can't push us around and we can't push China around.

It would be nice if all the countries stopped pushing their OWN PEOPLE around, but other than the countries that can be invaded by the "benevolent" USA, it's not going to happen.
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