G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Island)

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G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Island)

Postby HPMBTT » Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:09 am

I have already read this book (about the notorious Fed & previous history of money), but figured I would watch the YouTube version of the Glenn Beck show from Friday, as the author G Edward Griffin was on the show. I couldn't stand the crap coming out of Glenn's mouth, plus his annoying interruptions, bad timing and non-funny remarks. HOWEVER...my intent was to listen carefully to the author Mr. Griffin; sure enough, he did an excellent job. My real complaint about this show, of course, is not sharing more and getting ENOUGH info out to the public. There's so much that they DIDN'T discuss. Then again, what do you expect on a one-hour TV show?

Anyway, the first ten minutes (intro) is crap, but get past that and then it gets much better. And try not to get too annoyed by the show's host. :(


Part 1 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfRIspYsGJk
Part 2 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXdpWtKUWAM
Part 3 of 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPMZm9vqD10
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby theo » Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:29 am

At one point Griffin made the vaque assertion that the Fed has used its money to influence political and industrial leaders. Beck asked for specifics, but Griffin's explanation was still kind of unclear.

One embarrassing part of the show was when a member of the audience asked if the ETFs are backed by actual gold. Beck thought he meant "Electronic Funds Transfer" and then proceeded to explain that the money supply is backed by little if any gold. I think Beck has done a lot to get the word out about the dangers of debt, but he needs to do his homework if he wants to be taken seriously.
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby franklin » Sun Mar 27, 2011 11:57 am

I think Beck is in a transition period as far as his motives are concerned. If I remember correctly, he started out as a comedian and then moved to hosting his own TV show. He seems genuine in his motivation to alert Americans to the reality of politics and history and economics but also seems to get wrapped up in his delivery of such info. He can't help but run his mouth when he needs to let a speaker speak.
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby rainsonme » Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:17 pm

If you try to outline Glenn Beck's arguments, his logic is twisted and often contradictory. He has more emotional believe than logical understanding. He's a funny guy, and probably sincere, but with me he has absolutely no credibility. Ron Paul, and many others, are very logical, concise, and have a solid logical basis. They scare me much more than Beck's emotional scenario's.
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby hejira11 » Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:36 pm

As correct as Ron Paul is, I found him boring as hell to listen to back in '08 (when I first heard of him). I have matured/sobered a great deal since then.

Remember, we are talking about the AVERAGE AMERICAN PUBLIC here. Glenn bills his radio show as, "a fusion of entertainment and enlightenment." I'll take a clown (like Beck) spouting limited bursts of truth over an MSNBC Suit spewing...whatever it is they pass as insight.

I think he means well and is doing a service by speaking about topics (like the FED) to a country reluctant to wake up to our fiscal reality.
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby exbingoaddict » Mon Mar 28, 2011 12:33 am

Glenn Beck is an entertainer. He's nothing more or less then white male version of Oprah. He's very successful because he taps into a market that is out there. Some people are more then happy to buy his books, tickets to shows, watch and/or listen to his show. The guy's a court jester.
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby Tourney64 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:00 am

Did Glenn do a good job on the interview with Griffin - No. It didn't help that Glenn had another person as a guest he had to split time with on the show. I've yet to see a show that Glenn has done a good job with the interview.

Glenn I find it interesting how many people attack Glenn the person, vs. the content of his shows. Glenn takes on subjects that any other person would not dare touch due to the power and influence they have in this government. The left says he lies, but can't support their statements. I also find it surprising how many people are silent when he is attacked.
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby exbingoaddict » Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:17 am

Tourney64 wrote:Glenn I find it interesting how many people attack Glenn the person, vs. the content of his shows. Glenn takes on subjects that any other person would not dare touch due to the power and influence they have in this government. The left says he lies, but can't support their statements. I also find it surprising how many people are silent when he is attacked.

Tourney64, a very good point. The content of the show resonates with many people. The messiah complex turns off people
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby hejira11 » Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:37 pm

exbingoaddict wrote: Tourney64, a very good point. The content of the show resonates with many people. The messiah complex turns off people

I think you nailed it, right there!
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Re: G Edward Griffin on Glenn Beck (Creature from Jekyll Isl

Postby AGgressive Metal » Mon Mar 28, 2011 5:42 pm

At least the information is going somewhat more mainstream. For better or worse, lots of people listen to Glenn Beck. The Fed is painting themselves into a corner with this QE program.
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