IMHO, silver could go to $5 and I will not be crying too much. I'd love to buy a Monster box for less than $5000. Others may have difference of opinion. I am throwing that out here because we do not know how low silver prices could go. As prices fluctuate, the market will create a bit of slop between what people will buy silver at versus what they will sell it at. I do think that a whole new generation of people have been turned onto precious metals and could not care less if volatility remains. The lesson has to be in it for the long run and possibly sell some off when suitable and buy back later at a lower price. The time has happened this week. As it stands right now, looks like physical silver sold piecemeal-like on Ebay can fetch a huge premium. So, isn't this is a good time to buy some low premium species like from Scottsdale or Northwest or other places and simultaneously sell off your junk and assorted ASEs for a price higher than the online dealer charges? That might be changing fast as I type this though, lol. Point is, a huge premium can not last long if it is possible to source low premium rounds or bars as a replacement for stuff being sold. I left out the Ebay fees here, I know, but the idea is to convert silver coins and varied condition SAEs and rounds into a uniform species to stack with.
IMHO, the genie is out of the bottle. Silver price drops shake the tree nicely and lock in more long term buy and holders. Isn't it ironic to think that lower and lower prices are too good to be true?