I picked up my first order from Key Bank today. The order was 2 boxes halves, 3 dimes, 1 nickel, 6 cents. The take so far:
Halves - both skunks
Dimes - 3 skunks. Most coins were 2010 and 2011
Nickels - keeping '59 and earlier, 17 from the 50s', 7 from the 40s' including 2 war nickels, 1 buffalo, 2 newer Canadian.
Cents - not yet searched, waiting on the ryedale that I will order later this week.
I did score the following just by asking for halves and dollars: 1 $20 roll of '64 Kennedys'. one end was open so I put on the gloves and checked them out. All appear to be uncirculated. The exposed faces at either end look pretty worn, but the unexposed faces are outstanding.
My credit union that had promised me the bags from the lobby coin counter changed their mind. Such is life.
Nothing else to report...yet.