Clean reeds at 31X's.

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Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:44 pm

i cant brag like yall who sort, and from what i do read, its appears like we hit "Peak Sorting"..correct me if i'm wrong.

i'm pleased, coz when we did this 6 dollar downdraft in AU, i was able to snake onto Ebay, and pick up a GEM/BU roll of 64 Kennedy's for 31X's...and the trip about the whole thing was this, i always monitor rolls on Ebay, i put a lot of stuff in my watch list, just to see where the market's at, even when i'm laying now, but i saw this roll, no bids with 23 hours left, and only 2 hits on the page count, i guess i was the second look. So i flipped a bid in at 31X's.

It's the kind roll i love, ultra clean reeds, NO toning. (i know toning is sposed to be the thing, but i really like that blast white look)

anyway, one other bidder pops up with 1195 stars, i assume it might have been someone from our crew here. (Ray?) he bid 86, i think, then 306...and that was it. Here's the thing, the poor seller didnt end his auction at the optimum time, like 9 PM EST, he had it ending at 11 AM EST. Thats not optimal, most guys are at work...or honey do's, so i got it. i know its no big deal, but it pleased me, even though i swore i got to lay back.
Last edited by neilgin1 on Fri Aug 26, 2011 4:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby beauanderos » Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:01 pm

Not me... I'm doing gold right now. Image
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby neilgin1 » Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:26 pm

beauanderos wrote:Not me... I'm doing gold right now. Image

i was just ribbing, huh? smart move. i aint got the dough, i want to do tenths, like the one you showed but i could only do onesie's, and i'm scared that i'd lose the darn thing in the sofa.....its hard to lose rolls.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby beauanderos » Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:28 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
beauanderos wrote:Not me... I'm doing gold right now. Image

i was just ribbing, huh? smart move. i aint got the dough, i want to do tenths, like the one you showed but i could only do onesie's, and i'm scared that i'd lose the darn thing in the sofa.....its hard to lose rolls.

Gold is on sale right now, ten percent discount from a week ago or so :mrgreen:
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby RR GUY » Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:13 am

30X is pretty good right now. I see uncirc anything selling for 33 - 40x right now. Seems a little rich to me. I've won maybe five lots this week. Physical is still trading at 44-45. I am repeateldy outbid at 27x for circulated coins and 30X for uncirc. Forget about proofs, espescially Franklins, most are going close to 40X. Seems a little crazy considering in early July I was buying Prooff 62 and 63 Franklins for 25X. 10 years ago, you couldn't give away Franklins. I think that some coin buyers have traded down from Peace/Morgans/Walking Libertys to Franklins which for many years (with the exception of the early dates and the 1955 Bugs Bunnies) carried zero numismatic premium.

Yes, its true what you say about day time bidding. Its slow, but once the clock turns 7PM EST, its like a deluge. I never win anything in the evening. Most of my won auctions occur weekday mornings and weekends (nice weather really helps).
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby neilgin1 » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:14 am

RR GUY wrote:30X is pretty good right now. I see uncirc anything selling for 33 - 40x right now. Seems a little rich to me. I've won maybe five lots this week. Physical is still trading at 44-45. I am repeateldy outbid at 27x for circulated coins and 30X for uncirc. Forget about proofs, espescially Franklins, most are going close to 40X. Seems a little crazy considering in early July I was buying Prooff 62 and 63 Franklins for 25X. 10 years ago, you couldn't give away Franklins. I think that some coin buyers have traded down from Peace/Morgans/Walking Libertys to Franklins which for many years (with the exception of the early dates and the 1955 Bugs Bunnies) carried zero numismatic premium.

Yes, its true what you say about day time bidding. Its slow, but once the clock turns 7PM EST, its like a deluge. I never win anything in the evening. Most of my won auctions occur weekday mornings and weekends (nice weather really helps).

yep, roger that, i sure did get lucky and/or blessed to get 64 ken's at 31X, and GEM BU's, clean reeds at that. i just saw a roll of BU 64 ken's go for 34X, there's a roll of 60 (d, i think) Frank's trading at 40X's with 7 hours to go, but thats from "carrieafl", who always has quality stuff, and a wide following, so you got to be ready to BID up, if you want to get her stuff. i love her, she's a great seller, square dealer, but so do 3 million other guys. another guy i really appreciate is roger "hsturn", he's the Morgan and Peace dollar man, but its the same deal, quality stuff, great seller, wide following, and the auctions can get crazy. i'm not a rich man. (praise God) so i guess we have to be more discplined, look for the daytime auctions, hidden values, but due respect, i'd pay 33 to 40X's if it's "right"...i'll admit to you right now, that last run up to $50, i paid 45X's for a couple of rolls, but it was stuff you dont normally see, top shelf stuff, i have no regrets...during that run up , i might even have bot me my first Morgan rolls, GEM/BU's....did i pay up?...sure, but i have no regrets, to me FRN's are just monopoly money, meaning my thought is, "your LETTING me buy coins with THIS?"...but its always FRN's that are free and's hoping for nice weekend
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby Treetop » Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:23 am

neil, i say this with utmost respect... i dont understand why you care. you seem convinced society will fall apart, you think anyone will care if you have BU coins? Will it help you prepare? i wonder how much larger your stack would be if you just stuck to junk? I keep the pristine stuff to, but i never paid more then 1-2X over face for 99 percent of it.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby beauanderos » Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:23 am

Treetop wrote:neil, i say this with utmost respect... i dont understand why you care. you seem convinced society will fall apart, you think anyone will care if you have BU coins? Will it help you prepare? i wonder how much larger your stack would be if you just stuck to junk? I keep the pristine stuff to, but i never paid more then 1-2X over face for 99 percent of it.

Neil isn't telling you everything he feels. The man is cagey and perspicacious... he is playing both sides of the coin (haha). In the event of meltdown, Zac, you're likely right... BU won't matter to but a few. In that event, then having the largest stack of anything bullion might prove best. But meltdown might not be immediate, it could occur over months to years... in which case there WILL be a market for the scarcer type rolls he is acquiring. If silver climbs in a stable, controlled fashion, then premiums for BU will persist... however, if silver explodes it will pretty much all become mere bullion. In either event, junk silver will get melted for industrial use in coming years far more rapidly than will be BU. I say... whatever it takes to motivate anyone to buy silver is great... who cares what their personal catalyst is, as long as it gets them off their duff and dumping worthless fiat. Finally, a higher-priced roll of premium BU is easier to store than loose cull junk silver. Neil, don't mean to speak for you tag team style, feel free to step in.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby Treetop » Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:38 am

Makes sense. I certainly wasnt questioning neils style, beyond wanting to understand his thinking. I collect the pristine stuff to.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:31 pm

Dear friends Ray and Zac,
this is the kind of discussion i love; Ray, you said it all much better than i could, because i felt as though i had failed Zac in communicating my intent properly and with precision. Meaning, i never INTENDED to say, i thought "society will fall apart"..i think that "petrol world" is coming unglued, getting frayed and worn..or yes, coming apart. "Society" will be another thing, based on one's geographical location, what happens in a Mega-city with 3 days worth of food on hand at any time, with a very sizeable marginalized underclass, just brimming seething with years of rage as opposed to a rural agricultural county with a county seat population of over 3,000 souls, all ethnically homogenious...what happens when we go "lights out", or a similiar type of societal shock, dollar deval, bank holidays. "terrorist event", will be two different tales, imo. The Mega City would have some pretty horrid things happening, fear mixed with rage fueled by hunger is an evil brew, but out here?...not so much. If there are the 30 to a 100 foolish people i suspect there are living around here, think they're going to play "mad max", and engage in say home invasions, rape, meth cooking, i'm confident they'll be dealt with, very swiftly, and not by a mob.

So, if this all really changes quick, my instinct has told me to have the best rolls, that those will trade better. Do i have plenty of dirty old coins? yes i do....thats why i been banging on the Kennedy 40's so hard for two months, they're like amped up "double dimes"...15 toz each, even when they're circ's, they're not THAT worn, and i dont see any really dirty filthy coins, plus, the best part is, i can USUALLY buy them at melt...those will be good trading coins...also banged on the Ike 40's real hard, but i learned a lesson for the future...i didnt know they made CLAD Ike proof's alongside the Ike 40's silver proofs...THEY DID, in 73 and 74...i got blessed, i learned that lesson NOW...clad proofs are 22.5 gms and 40 silver Ike proofs are 24.6. (its kind of weird, but brown and blue Ike's 40's, uncirc's can vary in weight from 23.9 to 25.0 gms, which bespeaks ill of the SF Mint's quality control...Ike wouldnt like that, lol)

the whole point is, its my instinct, to seek 'clean reeds" always, and thru bitter lessons, i've learned to never fade my instinct, bless you both, i love talking coins, neil----oh btw, my "first down" marker is 100 times face...i THINK that would be $130 an ounce....doesnt mean i sell there, just means i'm fully prepared to pay 55 times without a care...or 60....70, you get the picture....n
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby Oakair » Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:39 pm

neilgin1 wrote: i'm fully prepared to pay 55 times without a care...or 60....70, you get the picture....n

I may be able to help ya out at those prices ;)

Im trying to start stacking clean coins, but the premiums on my personal favorites (peace) are a little much for my liking...Especially when I can find peace and morgans locally for around 25-26X

I may invest in a roll of franklins though...just because I like ben :lol:
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby beauanderos » Sun Aug 28, 2011 5:46 pm

Just finished listening to a John Williams interview. Talking about selling points, in the future he invisions, hyperinflation will pay a visit and, thus... you would NEVER sell your silver or gold, because the price can climb to infinity when the dollar collapses completely. He uses the example of selling your gold at $3000, after which gold continues to climb to $12000. Prior to your sale, you were protected. Subsequent to it, you just lost 75% of your purchasing power.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Aug 28, 2011 6:09 pm

beauanderos wrote:Just finished listening to a John Williams interview. Talking about selling points, in the future he invisions, hyperinflation will pay a visit and, thus... you would NEVER sell your silver or gold, because the price can climb to infinity when the dollar collapses completely. He uses the example of selling your gold at $3000, after which gold continues to climb to $12000. Prior to your sale, you were protected. Subsequent to it, you just lost 75% of your purchasing power.

oh mercy. wasnt it you that turned us on to that article, that basically said, that those who hold PM's will think they won the lottery, but the crucial thing is WHAT you do with that new found wealth? do you either just piss it away or turn it into productive uses..LIKE means of production?....member that article?....or is my early alzheimers kicking in?

thinking about that.....i'd rather buy a small sawmill, and a ridge of sticks, and set three guys to working...OR buy a river barge, and go down to NOLA and buy a load of coffee and cotton bolt...also tobacco. rather than taking paper currency ANYTHING, coz once it hyper's, isnt that an hourly nightmare?...means of production, using PM's to buy things that make things to trade for more PM's...THATS the path! (a light just went off!) thanks Ray, you get a fellow thinking.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby balz » Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:17 pm

beauanderos wrote:Just finished listening to a John Williams interview. Talking about selling points, in the future he invisions, hyperinflation will pay a visit and, thus... you would NEVER sell your silver or gold, because the price can climb to infinity when the dollar collapses completely. He uses the example of selling your gold at $3000, after which gold continues to climb to $12000. Prior to your sale, you were protected. Subsequent to it, you just lost 75% of your purchasing power.

Can you post a link to that interview? Thanks a lot
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby OneBiteAtATime » Mon Aug 29, 2011 5:34 pm

beauanderos wrote:Just finished listening to a John Williams interview. Talking about selling points, in the future he invisions, hyperinflation will pay a visit and, thus... you would NEVER sell your silver or gold, because the price can climb to infinity when the dollar collapses completely. He uses the example of selling your gold at $3000, after which gold continues to climb to $12000. Prior to your sale, you were protected. Subsequent to it, you just lost 75% of your purchasing power.

This is my read on things too. PM's are for wealth preservation THROUGH massive hyperinflation. I may be middle-class working stiff now, but on the far side of TSHTF, I (could be) in the drivers seat. If there's anything left to drive that is.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby balz » Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:33 pm

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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby Thogey » Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:06 am

neilgin1 wrote:[oh mercy. wasnt it you that turned us on to that article, that basically said, that those who hold PM's will think they won the lottery, but the crucial thing is WHAT you do with that new found wealth? do you either just piss it away or turn it into productive uses..LIKE means of production?....member that article?....or is my early alzheimers kicking in?

thinking about that.....i'd rather buy a small sawmill, and a ridge of sticks, and set three guys to working...OR buy a river barge, and go down to NOLA and buy a load of coffee and cotton bolt...also tobacco. rather than taking paper currency ANYTHING, coz once it hyper's, isnt that an hourly nightmare?...means of production, using PM's to buy things that make things to trade for more PM's...THATS the path! (a light just went off!) thanks Ray, you get a fellow thinking.

We really need to go knock back a few!

Maybe I could let my BS in ENGLISH from USAFA (Is that weird enough?) Go to work.
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:18 pm

Thogey wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:[oh mercy. wasnt it you that turned us on to that article, that basically said, that those who hold PM's will think they won the lottery, but the crucial thing is WHAT you do with that new found wealth? do you either just piss it away or turn it into productive uses..LIKE means of production?....member that article?....or is my early alzheimers kicking in?

thinking about that.....i'd rather buy a small sawmill, and a ridge of sticks, and set three guys to working...OR buy a river barge, and go down to NOLA and buy a load of coffee and cotton bolt...also tobacco. rather than taking paper currency ANYTHING, coz once it hyper's, isnt that an hourly nightmare?...means of production, using PM's to buy things that make things to trade for more PM's...THATS the path! (a light just went off!) thanks Ray, you get a fellow thinking.

We really need to go knock back a few!

Maybe I could let my BS in ENGLISH from USAFA (Is that weird enough?) Go to work.

Indeed we do. i was just thinking of motoring to the West Coast, to see family, pick up supplies, etc. Timeframe U/K, soon. Gee Whiz! Thog, you went to Colorado Springs?, to me, thats impressive, and even more impressive is the iconoclastic choice of English, in the midst of one of the finest, state of the art, warfighting colleges. That is impressive as well.

You know that a river barge buying trip down to NOLA in the middle of a QuadZee Dollar environment would be like the wild west, (QuadZee Dollar is what i call the eventual wheel barrow dollar, like "quadzillion")
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby Oakair » Tue Aug 30, 2011 3:05 pm

Thogey wrote:
We really need to go knock back a few!

Maybe I could let my BS in ENGLISH from USAFA (Is that weird enough?) Go to work.

English eh?

Always interesting folk...I have a prejudice for my own people (philosophy majors), but you guys are a close second :lol:
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby Thogey » Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:37 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
Thogey wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:[oh mercy. wasnt it you that turned us on to that article, that basically said, that those who hold PM's will think they won the lottery, but the crucial thing is WHAT you do with that new found wealth? do you either just piss it away or turn it into productive uses..LIKE means of production?....member that article?....or is my early alzheimers kicking in?

thinking about that.....i'd rather buy a small sawmill, and a ridge of sticks, and set three guys to working...OR buy a river barge, and go down to NOLA and buy a load of coffee and cotton bolt...also tobacco. rather than taking paper currency ANYTHING, coz once it hyper's, isnt that an hourly nightmare?...means of production, using PM's to buy things that make things to trade for more PM's...THATS the path! (a light just went off!) thanks Ray, you get a fellow thinking.

We really need to go knock back a few!

Maybe I could let my BS in ENGLISH from USAFA (Is that weird enough?) Go to work.

Indeed we do. i was just thinking of motoring to the West Coast, to see family, pick up supplies, etc. Timeframe U/K, soon. Gee Whiz! Thog, you went to Colorado Springs?, to me, thats impressive, and even more impressive is the iconoclastic choice of English, in the midst of one of the finest, state of the art, warfighting colleges. That is impressive as well.

[color=#FF4000]You know that a river barge buying trip down to NOLA in the middle of a QuadZee Dollar environment would be like the wild west, (QuadZee Dollar is what i call the eventual wheel barrow dollar, like "quadzillion"[/color])

This sounds like a freakin nightmare! Like travelling down the Limpopo river with a million dollars in silver and a shot gun. The natives would boil you in oil and eat you on a stick
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Re: Clean reeds at 31X's.

Postby neilgin1 » Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:40 am

Thogey wrote:
This sounds like a freakin nightmare! Like travelling down the Limpopo river with a million dollars in silver and a shot gun. The natives would boil you in oil and eat you on a stick

come now, surely you dont think i've neglected security considerations in such a commercial endeavour?

the only boiling that will be going on is the rice pot in the gallery....there might some defensive return fire, but as we sail by night, and sleep by day, so that can be avoided. women and children can be careless, men cannot.
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