"The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

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"The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby creshka46 » Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:20 pm

http://seekingalpha.com/article/292233- ... we-know-it

hey all,

What do you think of this? It caught my attention because it wasn't from some mainstream news source but one that has, in my experience, always been bullish on Gold.

Any thoughts?
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby ardorlan » Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:38 pm

I like seeking alpha posts.
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby ardorlan » Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:52 pm

If I went away from PMs I would go into Swiss Franc CHF. I personally believe that we will see a large upswing in PM for Sept, After that I don't know
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby Rodebaugh » Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:59 pm

So where am I to put my money at now?............... T-Bills?..................Stocks like BAC?...............NV Real Estate?

How about I cash in on the high APR of .0125% my savings account yields.......that sounds like a winner.

No Thanks seeking alpha.........When I buy an ounce of gold.....no matter the price I pay in FRN.....the next day I still have an ounce of gold. Money (FRN) is still cheap...the government is giving it away faster than they can print it. I know a guy "not me" that just took out a 3.25% fixed business loan.......let me say that again A 3.25% BUSINESS LOAN! Get this too.....here’s the kicker......for restaurant renovations. :o

You have good credit?....run...don't walk....RUN to the nearest bank and get some of that cheap money. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby ardorlan » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:01 pm

so much for the swiss franc

"After steadily rising for months as a safe haven trade, the rug was suddenly pulled out from under the Swiss franc. On Tuesday, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) announced that it would peg its currency at 1.20 francs per euro." - http://seekingalpha.com/article/291986- ... -dangerous
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby NHsorter » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:07 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:You have good credit?....run...don't walk....RUN to the nearest bank and get some of that cheap money. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

Sure, a fixed rate loan at such a low rate... with impending inflation, sounds great. BUT, like you said, what do you do with that money? I'm not hiring anyone in this economy. And as far as PM's go, I am bullish, but I don't know if I am bullish enough to bet with borrowed money.
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby silverflake » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:07 pm

Once again this commentor fails to recognize that the general American investing public is not yet in on the Gold Fever trade yet. When they do get in, then we can start wondering about the end of the bull run.
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:19 pm

silverflake wrote:Once again this commentor fails to recognize that the general American investing public is not yet in on the Gold Fever trade yet. When they do get in, then we can start wondering about the end of the bull run.

Pension funds account for assets totalling $31 Trillion. The estimate is that only 0.15% of those assets are in gold. Less than 1%! Gold mining stocks are the same. Total goldish stuff is less than one percent and that is just pension funds. Mutual/hedge funds are separate and low, too. What if they all doubled their holdings? Tripled? Times 10? But nobody knows the future so maybe Thangavel is right.

Here's what I know. Thangavel is Tamil and those folks are buying gold. Maybe he floated a bogus article to help out the folks back home. ;)
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby Copper Catcher » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:49 pm

Opinions are like butt holes everyone has one.

Ignore the prices..here is why. At the moment everything is measured in US dollars and most of the world counts on the dollar being the reserve currency. We all know that eventally it will be seen for what it is really worth and that is toliet paper.

Gold and Silver has in the past and currently is now and will be in the future a REAL measure of weath preservation.

The next time you see the spot price of gold or silver don't say, wow look how high it is, say wow look how little the purchasing power of the dollar is now.
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby shinnosuke » Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:51 pm

Copper Catcher wrote:Opinions are like butt holes everyone has one.

Ignore the prices..here is why. At the moment everything is measured in US dollars and most of the world counts on the dollar being the reserve currency. We all know that eventally it will be seen for what it is really worth and that is toliet paper.

Gold and Silver has in the past and currently is now and will be in the future a REAL measure of weath preservation.

The next time you see the spot price of gold or silver don't say, wow look how high it is, say wow look how little the purchasing power of the dollar is now.

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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby Mossy » Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:39 pm

Copper Catcher wrote: The next time you see the spot price of gold or silver don't say, wow look how high it is, say wow look how little the purchasing power of the dollar is now.


(And add "It's going to get worse.")

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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby Mossy » Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:52 pm

creshka46 wrote: Any thoughts?

He is about a year early for this as not enough people have actually started buying either paper or physical. I think we will see paper get shredded before anything happens with physical. (Anything but "go up", that is.)
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby Pennysaved » Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:00 pm

Prices are going to fluctuate.

But you have to look at the economy and ask have things really improved? NO

Even one of the Fed Presidents today said that we never really left the recession.

What is going to happen to unemployment when the US Post office lays off the 120,000 people they have requested??? BofA laying of 30,000 people???

Without a job, people are not going to be buying a home; they will be lucky to have the $$ to rent.

So you know the housing market is not going to improve any time soon.
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby silverflake » Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:14 pm

So, here's a novel idea to measure the gold 'bull'. When you go to kitco or whatever site you go to to see PM spot prices, instead of seeing what 1 ounce of gold or silver is worth in your currency of choice (the dollar for me and most of us, I think), let's have them post what the DOLLAR is worth in terms of gold and silver. SO, instead of seeing gold = $1900/ounce and silver= $43/ounce, we would see: US $= 0.0053 ounce gold and US $= 0.023 ounce silver. Hmmmm....
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby OldPeddler » Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:40 pm

Well done
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby beauanderos » Wed Sep 07, 2011 6:51 pm

silverflake wrote:So, here's a novel idea to measure the gold 'bull'. When you go to kitco or whatever site you go to to see PM spot prices, instead of seeing what 1 ounce of gold or silver is worth in your currency of choice (the dollar for me and most of us, I think), let's have them post what the DOLLAR is worth in terms of gold and silver. SO, instead of seeing gold = $1900/ounce and silver= $43/ounce, we would see: US $= 0.0053 ounce gold and US $= 0.023 ounce silver. Hmmmm....

There's several of us here with websites. We should construct an algorithm that shows that information and then everyone post it on their sites. I can't think of any site anywhere that currently shows that info. If someone knows, we can paste it to our own sites. 8-)
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Re: "The end of the Gold Bull as we know it?"

Postby Treetop » Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:09 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:So where am I to put my money at now?...............

you can invest in my orchards. I need a backhoe, atleast 20 acres preferably much more and a few other infrastructure items... then you have to wait 7-10 years....

I will pay you back in fruit if nothing else. It will be better then social security anyway... ;)
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