How much do we "talk" during the day

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Do You "Chat" More With the Guys on Realcent, Than you do your Wife?

Yes, definitely
I start and finish my day on Realcent, if I did that with my wife she would suspect I was up to something
About the same
I still cherish my wife and spend time attending her needs, Realcent comes in a distant second
No, absolutely not
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How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby beauanderos » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:30 am

This poll is meant to be whimsical, but might be a reason for some self-examination at the same time. The question came to mind because of a thread Neil is running, and the fact that it got hijacked. The point was made that threads are posted to stimulate conversation. It's always seemed to me as if men most often do much more (supposed) listening in couples, than they do talking. Self-disclosure... I am divorced. Perhaps it was my unwillingness to listen to hours of seemingly empty babble about stuff unrelated to us (every day seemed like a new episode of Desperate Housewive's) that led to the marriage's demise?
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Rodebaugh » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:39 am

This is going to be a good one. Nice Idea Ray.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby beauanderos » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:41 am

Rodebaugh wrote:This is going to be a good one. Nice Idea Ray.

I have a pretty good idea what Jack will say... You Doc... I'm not too sure about :lol:
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Saabman » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:50 am

Ray....I hear where you're coming from!! LOL!!!
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Rodebaugh » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:32 am

I listen to her nurse stories every day. She's not a petty chick so they are treatment and patient management related topics as opposed to gossip. I’m cool with that. She listens to my coin and dental babble. Fair trade. If we are home together.....PC goes on sleep mode and we hit the back deck grilling and BSing.

I post and read RC on downtime. In my line of work I have a good bit of down time. Also the Mrs works the hoot-owl shift and it's either RC or TV when shes away.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby shinnosuke » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:39 am

I almost always have realcent up on the screen. Between reading/posting here AND sorting, the last 6 months have taken some serious time away from the Mrs. However, she's pretty much OK with it because it is an investment for our future.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Treetop » Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:06 am

My wife is my best friend. I wouldnt of married her if she wasnt. Heck we met eachother in an AOL chat room, talking about some of the same issues sometimes touched on here actually. Weve been together for 11 years and married for 7.

Realcent never bothered her at all. Although a gardening forum I was on for awhile did.... One of the two of us is often on the computer. We dont have a TV.... this is our entertainment. We dont have many local friends.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby beauanderos » Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:05 am

Great responses, all. Just because you may not talk much, doesn't mean you don't love your wife (or girlfriend). It may be she has no interest in your "hobbies," so you turn here to further your interests... or you may not be interested in hers, after all. I mean, c'mon... what's not to like about what someone said to someone on The Edge, or "what will the world do without the Oprah show," or one of my favorites... after spending hours in the mall because she needed to pick something up, only to return home empty-handed, after multiple turns at her donning costumes (oops, I meant outfits)... and she asks "remember all the dresses I looked at? Which one did you like best?" And your reply, naturally, would have been "the first one, then we could have come home." :evil:
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby AGCoinHunter » Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:13 am

Rodebaugh wrote:I listen to her nurse stories every day. She's not a petty chick so they are treatment and patient management related topics as opposed to gossip. I’m cool with that. She listens to my coin and dental babble. Fair trade. If we are home together.....PC goes on sleep mode and we hit the back deck grilling and BSing.

I post and read RC on downtime. In my line of work I have a good bit of down time. Also the Mrs works the hoot-owl shift and it's either RC or TV when shes away.

Down time for a dentist in West Virginia? :lol: Always seemed there were plenty of customers up in them parts. :lol:
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Treetop » Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:31 am

beauanderos wrote:Great responses, all. Just because you may not talk much, doesn't mean you don't love your wife (or girlfriend). It may be she has no interest in your "hobbies," so you turn here to further your interests... or you may not be interested in hers, after all. I mean, c'mon... what's not to like about what someone said to someone on The Edge, or "what will the world do without the Oprah show," or one of my favorites... after spending hours in the mall because she needed to pick something up, only to return home empty-handed, after multiple turns at her donning costumes (oops, I meant outfits)... and she asks "remember all the dresses I looked at? Which one did you like best?" And your reply, naturally, would have been "the first one, then we could have come home." :evil:
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby 68Camaro » Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:44 am

The interesting poll would be how would the wife vote. :) RC has definitely taken time away from other things. Some of that loss of time has been my wife, but I've always insisted on doing this in the open, with her, at least in front of her in a multi-tasking sense, but I'm definitely more distracted with it. However, as shinnosuke notes, she tolerates it, if not supports my time with RC and with PMs in general, as she's seen the economy tank, the dollar become worthless, and PMs rise in value.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Rosco » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:22 pm

My wife is happy with my Real cent time as then I'm not trying to accumulate the coin to Buy Silver :lol: :lol: Takes lots of discussion to get together $500 +
I do slide in some Under the Radar buys :shock:
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby creshka46 » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:24 pm

I must confess. My problem isn't so much with time being taken away from my wife, it's time being taken away from my employer :? :lol:
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby OneBiteAtATime » Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:48 pm

Here's the scene.

9:30pm. The kids in bed. I finally flop into the easychair with the laptop. I'm RCing, she's watching reality cooking TV. After the 4th or 5th time I pretend to listen to her talk about television, in truth I'm hearing the grownup from Charlie Brown, I finalluy say, you know I don't cae about this crap.

I know.

Then I get 6-7 minutes of uninterupted realcent time. Ah. my favorite 6 minutes of the day.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby DirtyFingers » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:40 pm

beauanderos wrote:This poll is meant to be whimsical, but might be a reason for some self-examination at the same time. The question came to mind because of a thread Neil is running, and the fact that it got hijacked. The point was made that threads are posted to stimulate conversation. It's always seemed to me as if men most often do much more (supposed) listening in couples, than they do talking. Self-disclosure... I am divorced. Perhaps it was my unwillingness to listen to hours of seemingly empty babble about stuff unrelated to us (every day seemed like a new episode of Desperate Housewive's) that led to the marriage's demise?

Ray, I didn't vote in your poll but I do appreciate your honesty. 21 years of being happily divorced have led me to two undeniable certainies....

1) My stash has grown to twice the size it would have been.

2) It's not the I doin' I'm afraid's the un-doin'. ;)
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Oakair » Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:22 pm

OneBiteAtATime wrote:Here's the scene.

9:30pm. The kids in bed. I finally flop into the easychair with the laptop. I'm RCing, she's watching reality cooking TV. After the 4th or 5th time I pretend to listen to her talk about television, in truth I'm hearing the grownup from Charlie Brown, I finalluy say, you know I don't cae about this crap.

I know.

Then I get 6-7 minutes of uninterupted realcent time. Ah. my favorite 6 minutes of the day.

Nice verb!

And don't knock my cooking shows man ;)...haha, just kidding, I watch shows where people eat too much :lol: never would have thought of fried egg hamburger or cinnamon crusted potatoes if I didn't watch someone eat pounds of it
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby AGgressive Metal » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:00 am

Rodebaugh wrote:She's not a petty chick so they are treatment and patient management related topics as opposed to gossip.

At first, I read "she's not a PRETTY chick." :lol: I was like "Dude, Rodebaugh, wtf?" :P
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby twentybux » Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:10 pm

AGgressive Metal wrote:
Rodebaugh wrote:She's not a petty chick so they are treatment and patient management related topics as opposed to gossip.

At first, I read "she's not a PRETTY chick." :lol: I was like "Dude, Rodebaugh, wtf?" :P

That is sooooo funny because when I first read that I thought the same thing. :o Glad it wasn't just me. :lol:
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Sat Sep 03, 2011 1:48 pm

twentybux wrote:
AGgressive Metal wrote:
Rodebaugh wrote:She's not a petty chick so they are treatment and patient management related topics as opposed to gossip.

At first, I read "she's not a PRETTY chick." :lol: I was like "Dude, Rodebaugh, wtf?" :P

That is sooooo funny because when I first read that I thought the same thing. :o Glad it wasn't just me. :lol:

Me, too! At first I thought: "Now I have seen photos of Mrs. Rodie, if he doesn't think she is pretty, what are his standards??!" :lol: :lol:

I like RealCent, but it's not even close to my honey.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby fb101 » Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:41 pm

Used to post more. Then reorganized my priorities.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby Country » Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:52 pm

As many posts as I have, I still talk with my wife about things even more. She's my partner and we have some in depth discussions about almost anything except probably coins. She's the genius, and I do most of the grunt work.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby fansubs_ca » Sun Sep 04, 2011 5:04 am

>Do You "Chat" More With the Guys on Realcent, Than you do your Wife?

I'd have to say yes. I might bias the poll though because I don't have a wife. :lol:

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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:40 am

beauanderos wrote:This poll is meant to be whimsical, but might be a reason for some self-examination at the same time. The question came to mind because of a thread Neil is running, and the fact that it got hijacked. The point was made that threads are posted to stimulate conversation. It's always seemed to me as if men most often do much more (supposed) listening in couples, than they do talking. Self-disclosure... I am divorced. Perhaps it was my unwillingness to listen to hours of seemingly empty babble about stuff unrelated to us (every day seemed like a new episode of Desperate Housewive's) that led to the marriage's demise?

i'm divorced too. She initiated it, and i would have to say, it's the greatest tragedy of my life, without a doubt, because the blame rests mostly on me. We both were raised in wolves dens, and i didnt start to grow up till i hit 40. Her entire family is really close to me, and remains so to this day...and for me, the real tragic aspect is, cliche as this sounds, i lost my best friend. Not only was she my lover, a drop dead beautiful Irish redhead, and a warrior in her right, but we would have rolling 3 hour morning coffee conversations, that i can't duplicate. i still miss the woman, and she knows this, but she re-married, i'm friends with the new husband, and one hard and fast rule i have is, you dont mess with a guys woman, period. i'm 52, and i will not marry a woman with children, because she and i have a great 15 year old son, and i cant in good conscience, put other children before our son, in terms of resource, or even focus. That wouldnt do another woman any service, by not being devoted 100% behind her babies, so i remain alone...which gets lonely at times, but i believe a man has to be accountable for his screw-ups...and i screwed up.
i really like this forum and the guys on it, because we can discuss these things that interest us, and its a rare cyber board, because you can feel safe posting and know that you wont get flamed by lurking trolls. and believe me, that is rare in cyber land...and ya'll do, help ease my sometime lonliness, which i'm forever grateful for, neil
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:43 am

Rodebaugh wrote:I listen to her nurse stories every day. She's not a petty chick so they are treatment and patient management related topics as opposed to gossip. I’m cool with that. She listens to my coin and dental babble. Fair trade. If we are home together.....PC goes on sleep mode and we hit the back deck grilling and BSing.

I post and read RC on downtime. In my line of work I have a good bit of down time. Also the Mrs works the hoot-owl shift and it's either RC or TV when shes away.

"back deck grilling and BSing"...sounds like a great way to spend an afternoon/evening. Rodee, you done been blessed, may it last forever.
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Re: How much do we "talk" during the day

Postby neilgin1 » Sun Sep 04, 2011 11:49 am

Treetop wrote:My wife is my best friend. I wouldnt of married her if she wasnt. Heck we met eachother in an AOL chat room, talking about some of the same issues sometimes touched on here actually. Weve been together for 11 years and married for 7.

Realcent never bothered her at all. Although a gardening forum I was on for awhile did.... One of the two of us is often on the computer. We dont have a TV.... this is our entertainment. We dont have many local friends.

Nice! you also are blessed Zac, and may that union last forever...and i hope you do find some local friends, communitas is a good thing.
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