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Re: Now is Not the Time to Sell Your Bullion

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 2:45 am
by stateofmind
I generally agree. I made the mistake of telling some people to sell their stacks and rebuy later. I apologize for it. I feel that since the long term trend is up, just keep your bullion. But please! Hold off on your buying until the market corrects (as I speak we are down in Asia 3.5%), which it is doing now. If you have the ability to trade electronically that would also be a good bet, shorting/longing the SLV and short/longing miners.

Re: Now is Not the Time to Sell Your Bullion

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:42 am
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Neckro wrote:
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
Devil Soundwave wrote:Yes, very good lads. :)

I just meant we shouldn't exclusively point to one group of loons related to one religion - there are many flavours of terrorists out there!

Good point, Devil Soundwave.

As someone who has studied Islam from the outside for years before 9/11, I can safely say ... no, I really can't say anything here on RealCent because I may offend other readers sensitivities.

Oh, well...

The same can be said about every religion that follows a God. Don't be a hypocrite and hint that it's only 1 religion that has ever been the 'evil' one.


You are the one I was trying most not to offend.

Re: Now is Not the Time to Sell Your Bullion

PostPosted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:53 am
by beauanderos
Image Both topics are obviously worth discussion, but the thread here was supposed to be about silver, not terrorism. Looks like the market could go either way today, what with the sell-off that is coming in from overseas this morning. Might panic some, or might present as a buying opportunity to others. I could see the shorts pouncing on this and driving it down to $25... or... it could recover to about where it was yesterday. My crystal ball is unclear. Image