Am I Seeing the Price of Silver Correctly?

This forum is for discussing hunting and collecting US and Canadian circulation Silver Bullion Coins, other types of minted bullion, and other types of precious and base metal investments other than Bullion Pennies and Nickels.

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Re: Am I Seeing the Price of Silver Correctly?

Postby joeinnj » Sun May 19, 2013 9:40 pm

MPM just LOWERED their premium on their 1 Oz Silver Rounds by another .50
That's a bit disturbing as it feeds those who are saying we ain't seen nothing yet as far as the drop in Silver goes.
Those in the know may be willing to dump current inventory knowing that an even bigger drop is coming???
I'm Long on Silver and all for lower cost averaging but like everything else...In moderation please.
Keep those hands strong and remember why we got into this (Now Clearly Rigged) Silver game in the first place.
Those willing and able to see this through will be rewarded handsomely in the coming years / decade I'm confident.
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Re: Am I Seeing the Price of Silver Correctly?

Postby neilgin1 » Sun May 19, 2013 10:01 pm

beauanderos wrote:thinly traded overnight markets, perfect time for the fluffies to strike employing their usual tactics.

yeh.....seems to be the case, the first half an hour, was a 2 dollar spike down...the usual tactics indeed.
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Re: Am I Seeing the Price of Silver Correctly?

Postby fansubs_ca » Mon May 20, 2013 12:08 am

aloneibreak wrote:
messymessy wrote:
beauanderos wrote:thinly traded overnight markets, perfect time for the fluffies to strike employing their usual tactics.

What are fluffies?

the "family friendly" version of what he really calls them :thumbup:

I don't see why "family friendly" is nesseccary, my family doesn't read this board. :D
(Some of them don't even have internet. ;) )

The current price still isn't "stupid cheap", "silly cheap" but not "stupid cheap". Kitco
seems to have all their current inventory in the 1 ounce size (probably because they
learned a few things in 2008 and planned better this time around, can't sell to small
buyers if you have nothing but big bars) but Apmex seems to still have quite a variety.
If Apmex gets down to only one or two types of silver left (whatever ends up being the
last to go this time around) then you know it's "stupid cheap".

Each time things seem to play out a bit different, it's like the saying "history doesn't
repeat but it rymes".
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