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Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 4:44 pm
by rsk1963
resume this ride to the down side, or dead cat bounce up this evening? what say you RC?

Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:09 pm
by InfleXion
neilgin1 wrote:
InfleXion wrote:C-SPAN right now covering Chinese Military Threats on "Washington This Week", about their missile programs and technological advancement. Just heard an official say "Capability is what you have to watch, and not rely solely on good intent". Also some talk about space operations and space deterrents.

that's a little bit coincidental, don't you think?....with a nice lil side chat on space ops. I want to check that out.

The timing seems too well coordinated to me to be a coincidence, almost uncanny, but I get your gist. I cringe at the idea of poking that big old bear over there. If we could just mind the founding fathers and avoid foreign entanglements we would be so much better off.

Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:15 pm
by InfleXion
silverflake wrote:Back in 2007-2009 one of the guys I used to read (can't remember which one, might have been Bill Bonner or maybe Richard Daughty - the "Mogambo Guru") wrote that during these times, keep a journal and write down some of the little things that happen that either freak you out or that just come across as sending a red flag. An example I have is one day after things really started caving in Sept-Oct 2008, gold was down in price big time and the stock markets opened one morning really weak, so I went to APMEX web site to buy some gold - I had $800 of mad money, from scrapping, ebay selling etc. and APMEX had no gold! I called them asking what was up. Only thing they had was 10 ounce bars. None of the other sites I frequented had any either - golden eagle coin, I wrote it down to remember.


OK....Anybody want to share? Campfire stories about the shot across the bow from today?


The most vivid memory I have from that time is when the DOW dropped 777 points in a single day, and Stephen Colbert was on his show cheering "We're #1!" for breaking the record for a down day.

At the time I had been watching the spot price for about 3 years, but had not yet made the decision to stack, waiting for more research and comfort with the investment.

As soon as that happened I did not hesitate, and backed the truck up for the first time. A few days later spot dropped from $12 to $10, so I backed up the truck one more time. Didn't stack any more for 2 years after that, since it took that much longer for me to fully understand my investment, and boy am I glad I have the peace of mind today.

When that delivery finally came, it was like Christmas morning. I still have one of the 100 oz Pan American bars and the canvas bags it all came in for sentimental value. A lot of the generic stuff got traded away for government silver when premiums between the two got closer together, since you couldn't get eagles anywhere near spot when I bought the bars.

I'm very thankful that I was afforded the opportunity to stack over the last 7 years, hard to believe it's been that long already, and I'm amazed at how many people since then still have yet to come around to tangible assets.

Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:17 pm
by beauanderos
rsk1963 wrote:resume this ride to the down side, or dead cat bounce up this evening? what say you RC?

still another 1500 pts of downside in this market, whether it be the next few days vs weeks... who knows? Panic incites
more of the same.

Keep some dry powder handy for bargains. :thumbup:

Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 5:46 pm
by Cu Penny Hoarder
beauanderos wrote: market probably would have been down 2000 pts if they hadn't made an appearance.

Don't think so. TPTB would have shut down the market before that happened.

Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:22 pm
by smalltimeopn ... 03076.html

This was the Holter interview from Saturday. Hope the link works.

Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Mon Aug 24, 2015 6:27 pm
by smalltimeopn
rsk1963 wrote:resume this ride to the down side, or dead cat bounce up this evening? what say you RC?

It seems China is setting the pace now....

More downside.

Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 5:09 am
by neilgin1
InfleXion wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
InfleXion wrote:C-SPAN right now covering Chinese Military Threats on "Washington This Week", about their missile programs and technological advancement. Just heard an official say "Capability is what you have to watch, and not rely solely on good intent". Also some talk about space operations and space deterrents.

that's a little bit coincidental, don't you think?....with a nice lil side chat on space ops. I want to check that out.

The timing seems too well coordinated to me to be a coincidence, almost uncanny, but I get your gist. I cringe at the idea of poking that big old bear over there. If we could just mind the founding fathers and avoid foreign entanglements we would be so much better off.

yeh, i know....but that ship sailed when old Teddy Roosevelt hit the national and then international scene, invade and colonize both the Phillipines and Cuba....then he sends 16 big white battleships around the world to "show the flag" in 1907....and guess what?....not 6 years later we got BOTH an INCOME tax and a "national bank", the Federal reserve.....hey, its costs money to power up 16 battleships, and man 'em.....and the Fed, such geniuses, since they been around, the dollar has lost 97% of its value.

and then we come to this very day...just like in the Bible?...the shortest verse is "Jesus wept" (in John's Gospel).....Thomas Jefferson wept.

Re: Asia opens--23 Aug 2015-2300 hours (E)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:48 pm
by johnbrickner

TYU Ray. I was unaware of this one.
