wed 26 aug 1100 hours

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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby Recyclersteve » Sat Dec 02, 2017 7:00 pm

This thread was started two days after the Dow plunged 1,089 points in less than 5 minutes. The plunge occurred at the open on a Monday. There is a GREAT video on youtube showing this as it happened. For keywords, type "CNBC August 24th 2015".

It is 40:01 long, but just watch the first 12-15 minutes to get a good feel for what happened. The video shows Carl Quintanilla, David Faber and Jim Cramer as the market is plunging. At one point Faber is so confused by what is going on, he says "I've gotta make some calls." (and he walks off the set)

This is a video I've watched a bunch of times over the last roughly 2 1/2 years.
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby johnbrickner » Sun Dec 03, 2017 9:31 am

While not completely off topic, I'd love to get Neil's take on the conflict (Korea) as it stands. Also, to add this thread among many and it's contributing membership is why Realcent rocks. Thanx for the info steve.
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby agmoose » Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:51 am

theo wrote:Well, the suckers who bought the dip in 2011 made out pretty well.

I do think that the system will collapse one day, but I also think the Dow will hit 25000 before it does. You are under-estimating the power of insanity and denial. How else can you explain a 600 point rebound?

How many of us laughed at DOW 25000 before a collapse when Theo wrote this? It seemed unimaginable to me that we'd climb this much higher. Now - with the Tax bill very likely to pass and us already sitting over DOW 24k, another thousand or even 2 thousand before March seems LIKELY. Yikes.......
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby Sanford02 » Mon Dec 04, 2017 5:14 pm

Where's Neil?
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby CardsNCoins » Mon Dec 04, 2017 6:01 pm

Sanford02 wrote:Where's Neil?

Most likely hunkered down tight and prepared for anything.
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby silverflake » Mon Dec 04, 2017 10:11 pm

Man do I miss Neil! Kept this site hopping.

As far as the video, I remember that day. Just a warning for some of you (as if the video is not warning itself) I had a couple of stocks that had sell stop orders where the price when clear through the stops and they never triggered!!!! They ended up coming back up to settle the day above where my stops were. What the....? NOT efficient markets. I use TD Ameritrade.

A friend of mine who used to be my broker (great guy, taught me a lot) told me that during the flash crash of....was it 2010? when the DOW lost 1000 points in like 5 minutes? he told me that almost all of his clients who had sell stop orders on big name stocks (JNJ was one he mentioned) the stops never triggered.

Everything seems rosey until the SHTF. Then the markets go whacko. Be prepared.

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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:01 am

68Camaro wrote:
68Camaro wrote:Most of this will be a long drawn-out process - I also have expected it to hit 25000+ before we hit the big one for several reasons. I'm not looking for the big one quite yet - I'm looking for their excuse to apply a GLOBAL QE4, which then pushes gold up big, and it's the GLOBAL QE4 that eventually leads to the big one. And that big one will catch people by surprise in its suddenness. So, barring a war, natural disaster, or zombie apocalypse - I think you can stand down from the near-term doomsday watch Neil. I think there is some time left, all of which should be used for careful preps.

At 24200 we're getting closer. Not that 25000 is magic number. Could go still further.

68, my dear about mysteries, things we cant understand....what I mean is this, about 0200 on the 5th of Dec 2017, I thought, "what have my bros been up to at RealCent?"....Silverflake sent me a PM, dated YESTERDAY.......and then I come onto the silver board, and see a thread I started in 2015....doomsy...revisited........WITH YOUR WISE COUNSEL, telling me to "stand down"....oh I HOPE you bought those ETF's and equities with BOTH HANDS, dear brother....wishing NOTHING but God's Best for you and every other poster here....

You know, if each and everyone of us is to engage in private "self inventory".....fearless, our strengths, our weakness's, own weakness (or strength) is that I went into the belly of the beast at 18 and a half, like I described above....that's too young, because that last year, 1980, the leaders and elders I trusted.....lied to the nation....and it effected me, because I was a true believer....and that colored EVERYTHING I did from 1980 to this day....

I haven't been visiting and posting, NOT because I don't "like" this! this is wonderful cyber haunt with many fine people, it was because I took my internet profile down by felt like the right thing to I want to share something with you all, I just saw the other day.....Bill Clinton's Secty of Defense, Richard Perry spoke at the Washington Nation Cathedral on 28 Nov, the article I got this vid was entitled Former U.S. Defense Secretary Explains Why Nuclear Holocaust Is Now Likely....the Secty speaks from 0:500 till might want to listen.

so I ask myself......why is this 89 year old man, suddenly "wargaming" various nukedet scenarios?.....i'll post another Secty Perry video, but allow me to posit this analysis...have you noticed how EVERY DAY now, the word, "nuclear" (weapons, attack, etc etc etc) is bandied about in the MSM?...TO ME, it almost feels like they are getting us all used to thinking about the unthinkable....oh brothers I PRAY I AM WRONG....but an 89 year old man needs animators and money to put his "nightmare" into video form?......he knows good and well, he cant hit the why?....all this next cartoon video is designed to do is to frighten Americans....and you know what it reminds me of.....all those 2000-2001 "warnings" that "soon" the jihadi's will attack America....and on 9/11, OUR world, watch this cartoon of an 89 year old "deep stater"....have we seen this set up before?

Guys, please forgive me if I just seem like a bummer.....I just cant understand why so many men and women have such evil schemes buried in their darkened hearts....and I cant just ignore it all, because to me, ALL life is precious, neil
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby johnbrickner » Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:34 am

Just caught this interview on the radio (NPR) but, late in the 2nd half with Daniel Ellsberg. Interview transcript below. Among other things, he has written a new book titled The Doomsday Machine. ... ent-threat
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 6:58 am

johnbrickner wrote:While not completely off topic, I'd love to get Neil's take on the conflict (Korea) as it stands. Also, to add this thread among many and it's contributing membership is why Realcent rocks. Thanx for the info steve.

Johnny Brick! you honor me.....I left the ROK in 1980, but I can tell you this....AT THAT POINT, every single command, communication and control nodes(C3) of the DPRK were buried DEEP.....3,000-5,000 feet........37 years have passed, and since the DPRK can press gang labor at will....can you imagine NOW, how hardened and deep these North Korean assets are? an air attack would be futile, and would seal the destruction of the Golden City , that's a no go.

okay....soooooo, many car crazies at the DoD are talking about using nuclear weaponry......I don't believe that the PRC, the ROK and Japan would do too well coping with the fallout......and obviously the fragile global equity/debt markets would that's a no go.

Now if I was President(lol).....I would begin one on one PEACE TREATY talks with the North Koreans, in conjunction with both China and Russia........those would be the headline talks....privately, with the Chinese, I would offer them North Korea, meaning 5 to 10 trustworthy NK Generals, and coup the kid, confiscate ALL NK nuclear weaponry, China can use cheap NK labor to set up more enterprise what do we give them?.........we remove all US combat troops from South Korea....remove THAAD, and begin comprehensive talks on the South China Sea that navigational passage is clearly spelled out, including mineral rights......but that wont Vladimir Putin said to Oliver Stone, "That's too subtle".

just so I don't seem humorless, I feel in love with a Russian actress, Yulia Peresild, and am writing a film that takes place during the first 7 days of Operation Barbarossa (22-29 Jun 1941).....if you get Amazon Prime, you can watch Yulia, and the first rate director "Eugene" Mokritsky in the 5 star film "The Battle for Sevastopol".....Yulia portrays "Ludya Pavlachenko", who is the deadliest female sniper in history with 309 confirmed kills.....and what stunned me, was that Yulia Peresild, contemporary actress, was NOT acting in the film.....war is nasty brutal bloody soul sucking hell....and I saw this in her eyes, and went into gear.....researching for MY "Great Patriotic War" (that's what the Russians call WW2) film......its starts as a stand up war film, and then changes into something truly's a hint, "Think what "Predator" did for the American action film...many Germans will die very ugly deaths.......yeh, I know, i'm a sick puppy.....but I want to work with the team that made "The Battle for Sevastopol", who's trailers I will link.....hit the "CC" buttons for English subtitles......(even in the face of impending apocalypse, when I see an actress I like, love, wanna mate with...I know what to them a script! ) You'll enjoy "Battle"......God love you all, neil

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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 7:10 am

CardsNCoins wrote:
Sanford02 wrote:Where's Neil?

Most likely hunkered down tight and prepared for anything.

Hey brothers, there's one thing i'm not prepped precious son and his mother both live in the Bay Area...they're doing really well....but if things got....really bad, and they didn't make it here?.......i'm not prepared for know what I mean, we're all parents........know what? (and thanks for wondering where I was at).....the ONLY real "weapon" we have is PRAYER, Love and Light to you both, neil
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Dec 05, 2017 2:18 pm

Always great to hear from you Neil. It's been too long and a lot to catch up on - though some of it not good. If you've still got the same email I'll send you a note. But your "if I was President" gambit is superbly thought out and I'd like to think that behind all the hardware sabre rattling that something like that is going on. Hope so. The other alternatives are all bad.
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby Recyclersteve » Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:50 pm

We were all worried about what happened to Neil. And now I know- he married Debbie Downer! :) (DD is a SNL character reference played by Rachel Dratch)
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby Recyclersteve » Tue Dec 05, 2017 3:55 pm

silverflake wrote:during the flash crash of....was it 2010? when the DOW lost 1000 points in like 5 minutes? he told me that almost all of his clients who had sell stop orders on big name stocks (JNJ was one he mentioned) the stops never triggered.

Everything seems rosey until the SHTF. Then the markets go whacko. Be prepared.

Keep stacking.

The Flash Crash you are referring to was on 5/6/10 (I remember it well because it was the day after Cinco de Mayo- not that I was out getting drunk). In Youtube, you can type keywords "CNBC flash crash May 6, 2010" and you will see the video. Another good one.

By the way, during the other flash crash referenced earlier (the one on 8/24/15), I actually covered a short position in the SPF ETF while the market was crashing. Did my short near the end of the day the prior Friday when the expected rally into the close didn't really materialize. Didn't get the greatest fill or get rich on the trade, but it is a trade I will remember for a long time.
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:28 pm

Recyclersteve wrote:We were all worried about what happened to Neil. And now I know- he married Debbie Downer! :) (DD is a SNL character reference played by Rachel Dratch)

gee whiz, I didn't get the reference....haven't watched cable or sat in over 20 I youtubed it.....huh....a little good natured ball breaking Steve?
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Re: wed 26 aug 1100 hours

Postby Recyclersteve » Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:49 am

Good natured as always!
Former stock broker w/ ~20 yrs. at one company. Spoke with 100k+ people and traded a lot (long, short, options, margin, extended hours, etc.).

NOTE: ANY stocks I discuss, no matter how compelling, carry risk- often
substantial. If not prepared to buy it multiple times in modest amounts without going overboard (assuming nothing really wrong with the company), you need to learn more about the market and managing risk. Also, please research covered calls (options) and selling short as well.
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