They are not going to pass a deal.

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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby Mossy » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:32 pm

IdahoCopper wrote: With QE1, QE2 and soon to be implemented QE3, the money supply has been inflated to absurd levels. It takes about 2 years for those monetary increases to reflect in prices, then wages.

I've wondered what the lag time was. That's why the gov't has been pushing inflation, living on the "extra income" from that lead time.

IdahoCopper wrote: So by demanding increased taxes on the "rich" now, before that massive inflation hits, Obama is dooming the vast majority of Americans to higher taxes. By acting now, when he thinks "class warfare" on the rich can be sold to an unsuspecting public, those taxes will be in place, when we all are "rich" in a year or two in the highly inflated currency.

Yup. Lot's of dummies are going to wonder what happened, and whoever the Pres is then is going to get the blame. It has to make Zero feel conflicted about running again, or the officials think they can con the people into some other scam. They just might, too.
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby frugi » Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:02 pm

[quote="VWBEAMER"]I think Obama will mint the the trillion dollar Platinum coin...if he does Gold and silver will make a sharp rise on inflation fears.

YES !! this is what is unfortunately going to happen. sadly it is not fiction. :-( But on the brightside, I want one. A platinum trillion dollar coin. yes. I will hoard them. as soon as obama makes one he will make 10 more, then a 1000 more, than they will start making for everyone to have. of course it will cost you a trillion dollars, but that is okay because silver is at 10 million dollars an ounce, milk will be 100,000 dollars a gallon, and hopefully by that time the minimum wage might be at $10.00/hr. hahaha.
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:37 am

68Camaro wrote:The Brits of the 30s were sure that the world had had enough war. Certainly Hitler wouldn't be uncivilized. The only think Roosevelt did (stinkin' progressive socialist that he was) that I love him for was prepare us (on the sly, and against all the 30s peaceniks) for war, which was coming, and came.

There isn't any such thing as "civilized" to despotic dictators. Just what is convenient, or economical. The Chinese don't think twice about killing tens of millions of their own. I'm happy with commerce with them, but not willing to give them my back for a second.


"The United States has the largest defense budget in the world. In fiscal year 2010, the Department of Defense has a base budget of $533.8 billion. An additional $130.0 billion was requested for "Overseas Contingency Operations" in the War on Terrorism, and over the course of the year, an additional $33 billion in supplemental spending was added to Overseas Contingency Operations funding. Outside of direct Department of Defense spending, the United States spends another $218–262 billion each year on other defense-related programs, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, nuclear weapons maintenance, and the State Department."

By function

$154.2 billion was requested for personnel
$283.3 billion for operations and maintenance
$140.1 billion for procurement
$79.1 billion for research and development
$23.9 billion for military construction
$3.1 billion for family housing

Where ya gonna cut? Not going to cut people, or Veteran's Affairs, or housing. OK. Hopefully we can cut that operations number.

Attrition happens slowly. So the next thing to go is R&D, then procurement.

Be careful how you cut. Cut the military the wrong way, and ten years from now the Chinese will be steaming their new aircraft carriers up and down our coasts. They won't need EMP as a weapon when they own the country and we are unable to protect ourselves. Neil - love you as a brother, but possible we may differ on this detail. The Aussies aren't buying our latest and best weapons systems because they fear the kiwis.

been thinking about this all weekend......with 750 overseas bases (a thousand if you factor the "black bases" in) if the DoD, given todays trend towards aysmetrical warfare, the DoD can't stay muscular with 500 bln a year, then leadrship in the Pentagon is a bunch of ticket punching morons.

When Billy Mitchell proved in 1921, the battleship was obsolete, they made his life hell. Sadly the trend in the upper echelon of the DoD is towards safe mediocrity, 'yes men", because a great many mavericks went for exits during the hell years of Rumsfeld, perhaps the worst SecDef in HISTORY.....we are repeating the SAME mistakes Rome made, can we be that stupid?

and i believe not only can we be that stupid, we are. What we really have in Space, the lethality of it, would blow peoples minds, and i mean LITERALLY...i have no access to info, only "open source" wisps and hints. My certainty is based on the fact that both the Russians and the Chinese are remarkably well behaved as we run the table in the Middle East, oil rich Middle East.

if we cut off a hard working dude, who is at the end of his 99 week unemployment, then everybody best step up to the plate and share the cuts and pain. anything less is plain injustice, and if this land is no longer just and right, then prepare to reap the whirlwind.
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby Tourney64 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:43 am

I have not verified this, but sounds very credible. This is the reason we are in trouble financially.
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby franklin » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:56 am

"if we cut off a hard working dude, who is at the end of his 99 week unemployment..."

I followed you up until this statement. ???
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:48 pm

franklin wrote:"if we cut off a hard working dude, who is at the end of his 99 week unemployment..."

I followed you up until this statement. ???

yeh,,,,and then what?
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby VWBEAMER » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:53 pm

As business owner I wouldn't hire anyone that collected unemployment longer than 6 weeks.

I was fired from my job making pretty good money and had a job within 2 weeks working at a grocery store .....big drop in pay, but at least i wasn't sitting at home the on the taxpayers dime.

franklin wrote:"if we cut off a hard working dude, who is at the end of his 99 week unemployment..."

I followed you up until this statement. ???
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby franklin » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:21 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
franklin wrote:"if we cut off a hard working dude, who is at the end of his 99 week unemployment..."

I followed you up until this statement. ???

yeh,,,,and then what?

...and then, I failed to follow the flow of your post. You were writing of DofD and Space and then dropped in that last paragraph.
I was also one of those guys like VWBeamer. I caught my bosses doing something that was not legal and called them out on it. I was RIFed within 3 weeks. (Reduction in Force) The organization I had been with actually had a workshop for those being layed off with the primary function being 'how to properly fill out the paperwork to collect unemployment'.
I realize some folks live in areas that have a low potential for re-hiring but I watched colleague after colleague pass up opportunities to get hired to lower paying jobs and at least make ends meet. I swallowed what little pride I had and was never without a job/paycheck. Our prayers were answered and we made things work and, in fact, are thriving now.
So, Neil, what I initially meant to say was "I followed you up until that last statement and then....I didn't follow you. "
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:32 pm

VWBEAMER wrote:As business owner I wouldn't hire anyone that collected unemployment longer than 6 weeks.

I was fired from my job making pretty good money and had a job within 2 weeks working at a grocery store .....big drop in pay, but at least i wasn't sitting at home the on the taxpayers dime.

franklin wrote:"if we cut off a hard working dude, who is at the end of his 99 week unemployment..."

I followed you up until this statement. ???

now you got me went from getting fired from a good paying job to a low paying grocery clerk into a business owner who wouldnt give a guy a chance, if he's over your "longer than 6 weeks" collecting unemployment?

nice career arc, when was this downward move before you owned a business?....just curious. pre or post 08?
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:01 pm

franklin wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
franklin wrote:"if we cut off a hard working dude, who is at the end of his 99 week unemployment..."

I followed you up until this statement. ???

yeh,,,,and then what?

...and then, I failed to follow the flow of your post. You were writing of DofD and Space and then dropped in that last paragraph.
I was also one of those guys like VWBeamer. I caught my bosses doing something that was not legal and called them out on it. I was RIFed within 3 weeks. (Reduction in Force) The organization I had been with actually had a workshop for those being layed off with the primary function being 'how to properly fill out the paperwork to collect unemployment'.
I realize some folks live in areas that have a low potential for re-hiring but I watched colleague after colleague pass up opportunities to get hired to lower paying jobs and at least make ends meet. I swallowed what little pride I had and was never without a job/paycheck. Our prayers were answered and we made things work and, in fact, are thriving now.
So, Neil, what I initially meant to say was "I followed you up until that last statement and then....I didn't follow you. "

i'm sorry Franklin for my brain moves quicker than my fingers. what i was aiming at is this: how come it is, everytime we talk about spending, nobody says nothing about Defense?

you want to talk about illegalities and corruption? Defense. but nobody calls them on it, because their power is absolute, and if you're any kind of threat to the money teat they got their mouths hooked onto, you'll wind up dead....not splashy dead, but a heart attack, or a car crash, or suicide. my first job was in intelligence, so i DO know what i'm talking about, but i aint about to share anything on a public forum.

or if you're talking about cutting defense, i hear this stuff about being an appeaser, or "soft" on defense...or accused of being some sort of dove.....thats bull[excrement] could chop this military budget in half for 10 years and we could still kick anybodys ass.....its just that everybodies drunk the kool aid...even Obama when he said yes to Stanley McChyrstal for 30,000 more troops for Afghanistan...a place where i got TIGHT friends serving and to a man, they're telling me this thing is not winnable, they also tell me a LOT of stuff, that would curl your hair...about hypocrisy and lies and crimes.

and if its between GE building another drone and a mess of men getting extensions on their 99 weeks, i'm on the side of the guys looking desperately, coz i know a lot of them also, and these are damn fine think they LIKE unemployment?

we now live in the national security state, and if you got a job with them, you're good. if you got a job as a banker, or hedge fund whore, you're good. if you're involved with oil, you;re good...otherwise, you are [fluffed], one, maybe two paychecks away from disaster.

Franklin, i've written MORE than enough, in fact, i asked the admin's to cancel my account...a dear friend of mine here says no...just lurk. i dunno. hopefully they'll delete my acct, coz i'm just jerking off writing on a few forums....i got real writing to do...thats MY blessed, neil
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby franklin » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:05 pm

I hope you reconsider dropping off the forum. I enjoy your perspective as someone who has moved away from civilization.
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby Rodebaugh » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:17 pm

Neil......Leave RC?

Don't make my drive to your house with my chains.

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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:17 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:Neil......Leave RC?

Don't make my drive to your house with my chains.


that IS fact i was just thinking that i need chains to skid logs out the forest.....the kind where they have hooks on both ends, about 10 to 15 feet long? My buddy has a couple, which we used to skid a bunch of shagbark hickory out my back hill....but i need my own, so i'm gonna scout flea markets, yuppies like the fancy fancies, but leave the good stuff i found a 25 foot long, 1 inch thick rope two block and tackle for $25!!!...what for? cattle, lamb or deer processing, and along with that, i found a 100 year old plus, British made large meat cleaver, for i just gotta work on it with the whetstone and make her razor cant even buy yuppie knifes for 32.50..its crazy what people think is valuable, and what is not.

any of you all know wood? as far as firewood, shagbark hick is like the single malt scotch of firewood, highest BTU-age, the grain is straight as a plumb, it drys QUICK, AND check this, its kicks out a wonderful nut for human consumption, which i intend on making into butter, but you got to beat the squirrels to it.

the main reason i was thinking of bombing out, is coz ...two fold, i think these are strange days, i didnt think that whole Norway thing smelled right.....guy lights a powerful bomb in a govt center, when there's nobody there, then whacks a bunch a kids in a summer camp AND writes this massive blob of 'political' gobblety goop, and THEN says he's working with two more "cells"...something dont smell right, combine that with the asshat that put a bullet in Congresswoman Giffords head...havent heard ZILCH about him have you?....and then combine that with Assange the wikileaks guy, who ALSO dissapears out of the news....and i smell games being played....but by who?....its like somebodies writing a script, but who and why?

so i sometimes just want to sink beneath the waves and go into silent running...and secondly guys, i aint no tea party republican, i pay my taxes without complaining, all my life i done everything by the numbers, never bitched about Bush, not about Obama, i accept the authority God installed, hate politcal politics are this: i'm an Ike republican and a JFK democrat....far right/ far left folks make me wanna RUN!...i'm also very wary of a defense establishment left unchecked...i know these guys, and they aint my choice of dinner companions. most of them are unimaginative, intellectually stitled bureacrats, who just love to mess with folks, who love to strut around with hard ons showing how big and bad they are, and would not hestitate to push a button on ANY American they deem a threat to their lil greasy games...i know these guys, the last of the good ones, Fox Fallon and Colin Powell left in disgust, and thats all i wanna say except silver.
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby theo » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:52 pm

"i didnt think that whole Norway thing smelled right.....guy lights a powerful bomb in a govt center, when there's nobody there, then whacks a bunch a kids in a summer camp AND writes this massive blob of 'political' gobblety goop, and THEN says he's working with two more "cells"...something dont smell right, "

I agree. I've never been a proponet of the false flag attack theory, but this does seem very scripted. This guy is reportedly a far right Christian fundementalist who hates Muslims (right from central casting). Also, the two studio quality photos of this guy published about twelve hours after the attack remind me of the photo of Oswald holding the rifle.
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby Rodebaugh » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:21 pm

neilgin1 wrote:
Rodebaugh wrote:Neil......Leave RC?

Don't make my drive to your house with my chains.


that IS fact i was just thinking that i need chains to skid logs out the forest.....the kind where they have hooks on both ends, about 10 to 15 feet long? My buddy has a couple, which we used to skid a bunch of shagbark hickory out my back hill....but i need my own, so i'm gonna scout flea markets, yuppies like the fancy fancies, but leave the good stuff i found a 25 foot long, 1 inch thick rope two block and tackle for $25!!!...what for? cattle, lamb or deer processing, and along with that, i found a 100 year old plus, British made large meat cleaver, for i just gotta work on it with the whetstone and make her razor cant even buy yuppie knifes for 32.50..its crazy what people think is valuable, and what is not.

any of you all know wood? as far as firewood, shagbark hick is like the single malt scotch of firewood, highest BTU-age, the grain is straight as a plumb, it drys QUICK, AND check this, its kicks out a wonderful nut for human consumption, which i intend on making into butter, but you got to beat the squirrels to it.

the main reason i was thinking of bombing out, is coz ...two fold, i think these are strange days, i didnt think that whole Norway thing smelled right.....guy lights a powerful bomb in a govt center, when there's nobody there, then whacks a bunch a kids in a summer camp AND writes this massive blob of 'political' gobblety goop, and THEN says he's working with two more "cells"...something dont smell right, combine that with the asshat that put a bullet in Congresswoman Giffords head...havent heard ZILCH about him have you?....and then combine that with Assange the wikileaks guy, who ALSO dissapears out of the news....and i smell games being played....but by who?....its like somebodies writing a script, but who and why?

so i sometimes just want to sink beneath the waves and go into silent running...and secondly guys, i aint no tea party republican, i pay my taxes without complaining, all my life i done everything by the numbers, never bitched about Bush, not about Obama, i accept the authority God installed, hate politcal politics are this: i'm an Ike republican and a JFK democrat....far right/ far left folks make me wanna RUN!...i'm also very wary of a defense establishment left unchecked...i know these guys, and they aint my choice of dinner companions. most of them are unimaginative, intellectually stitled bureacrats, who just love to mess with folks, who love to strut around with hard ons showing how big and bad they are, and would not hestitate to push a button on ANY American they deem a threat to their lil greasy games...i know these guys, the last of the good ones, Fox Fallon and Colin Powell left in disgust, and thats all i wanna say except silver.

Your good dude. Let’s see if I can put a response together.

Have a few chains for the sticky spots. We hook the logs on a pig pole off the back of the dozer. The firewood of choice from our woods is oak and locust. Hickory is few and far between. Plenty of large straight hemlock perfect for barn lumber. 7-10 Black walnut trees produce the nuts for the table and dishes. Most were cut for their lumber back in the late 80’s.

I have seen a few yuppies; but unfortunately WV currently (still) does not have a yuppie season. If the division of natural resources is not careful, the state will be overrun by wine tastings and sole food joints within a matter of years.

Not sure what to say about the news thing accept: There is a generation of amputees in an HIV stricken country that people have all but forgotten about. Haiti. So: If it’s not new, hot, or sexy.. its forgotten.

Politics: yeah I plead the fifth on that one.

And buy Gold ;)
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Re: They are not going to pass a deal.

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Jul 26, 2011 6:39 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:
Rodebaugh wrote:Neil......Leave RC?

Don't make my drive to your house with my chains.


that IS fact i was just thinking that i need chains to skid logs out the forest.....the kind where they have hooks on both ends, about 10 to 15 feet long? My buddy has a couple, which we used to skid a bunch of shagbark hickory out my back hill....but i need my own, so i'm gonna scout flea markets, yuppies like the fancy fancies, but leave the good stuff i found a 25 foot long, 1 inch thick rope two block and tackle for $25!!!...what for? cattle, lamb or deer processing, and along with that, i found a 100 year old plus, British made large meat cleaver, for i just gotta work on it with the whetstone and make her razor cant even buy yuppie knifes for 32.50..its crazy what people think is valuable, and what is not.

any of you all know wood? as far as firewood, shagbark hick is like the single malt scotch of firewood, highest BTU-age, the grain is straight as a plumb, it drys QUICK, AND check this, its kicks out a wonderful nut for human consumption, which i intend on making into butter, but you got to beat the squirrels to it.

the main reason i was thinking of bombing out, is coz ...two fold, i think these are strange days, i didnt think that whole Norway thing smelled right.....guy lights a powerful bomb in a govt center, when there's nobody there, then whacks a bunch a kids in a summer camp AND writes this massive blob of 'political' gobblety goop, and THEN says he's working with two more "cells"...something dont smell right, combine that with the asshat that put a bullet in Congresswoman Giffords head...havent heard ZILCH about him have you?....and then combine that with Assange the wikileaks guy, who ALSO dissapears out of the news....and i smell games being played....but by who?....its like somebodies writing a script, but who and why?

so i sometimes just want to sink beneath the waves and go into silent running...and secondly guys, i aint no tea party republican, i pay my taxes without complaining, all my life i done everything by the numbers, never bitched about Bush, not about Obama, i accept the authority God installed, hate politcal politics are this: i'm an Ike republican and a JFK democrat....far right/ far left folks make me wanna RUN!...i'm also very wary of a defense establishment left unchecked...i know these guys, and they aint my choice of dinner companions. most of them are unimaginative, intellectually stitled bureacrats, who just love to mess with folks, who love to strut around with hard ons showing how big and bad they are, and would not hestitate to push a button on ANY American they deem a threat to their lil greasy games...i know these guys, the last of the good ones, Fox Fallon and Colin Powell left in disgust, and thats all i wanna say except silver.

Your good dude. Let’s see if I can put a response together.

Have a few chains for the sticky spots. We hook the logs on a pig pole off the back of the dozer. The firewood of choice from our woods is oak and locust. Hickory is few and far between. Plenty of large straight hemlock perfect for barn lumber. 7-10 Black walnut trees produce the nuts for the table and dishes. Most were cut for their lumber back in the late 80’s.

I have seen a few yuppies; but unfortunately WV currently (still) does not have a yuppie season. If the division of natural resources is not careful, the state will be overrun by wine tastings and sole food joints within a matter of years.

Not sure what to say about the news thing accept: There is a generation of amputees in an HIV stricken country that people have all but forgotten about. Haiti. So: If it’s not new, hot, or sexy.. its forgotten.

Politics: yeah I plead the fifth on that one.

And buy Gold ;)

Rodee, didnt mean to give you short shrift.......oak and locust, huh?...thats some good stuff bro hates locust, says it cures too long...i like it, call it a sizzler.....midnight wood, holds a coal...never seen that a piney pine? love black walnut....i love all trees, not too wild about sumac, cottonwood, have to say my favorite tree is black cherry, great firewood, great plank wood....cedar too...i could talk trees all day long.

yuppies are good, they bring in business and wild girls, and by winter most of them go....the heat's fried my head...i'm going back out and mow brush......what about that silver?...."bid it to melt and they go away...that's my twisted zen koan for the day, see if it works...more silver, more silver, let these screwheads do what they will! trash the dollar! i dont care! more silver!!! bid it to melt and they'll go away........
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