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Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38 NOW $39+

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:54 am
by theo
Yes, its hard to believe. This time last year I remember telling people that silver may get as high as $30 in 2011. However, my excitment is tempered by the fact that much of this recent increase seems to be due to weakness in the dollar. The dxy is showing the dollar down .34 at 75.23. I remember reading that if the dollar breaks below 75, it could begin to unravel quickly.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38 NOW $39+

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 1:25 am
by aristobolus
Silver to the Moon! :mrgreen:

Re: SILVER-WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40+

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:09 am
by 68Camaro
Ya'all forgot to change the subject... Now I get to do it!

(I tried to stay up last night to watch, when it started moving, but I couldn't last, went to bed.)

PS - we must be at the character length limit for the subject - I had to take some spaces out to get the 40+ to print.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38 NOW $39+

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:26 am
by zerocd
I've been buying every day and added 10 ounces yesterday @ $40.

Normally this means silver will bounce down.

Losing my touch!

Gotta go find money to get more. Maybe sell a kidney, wife or child. (not my dog)

I am down to hustling a pile of Ryedale rejects to the Penny Arcade. That should get me several hundred.


Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38 NOW $39+

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 6:35 am
by theo
Gold is moving up sharply as well. Up $11 to almost 1472.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 7:06 am
by Country
Nothing like a good celebration!!! $40 SILVER - the stuff of dreams...

Now comes the real fun - the EXPONENTIAL RISE!!! It's gonna take our breathe away.... :mrgreen:

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 8:44 am
by Market Harmony
Shorts are not having a pleasant morning... I wonder how their weekend will be?

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:02 am
by Dvorak
I wonder if we'll see a 10 o'clock smackdown here...

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:14 am
by shinnosuke
Or, in other words, an FRN with an illustration of George, and backed by the full faith and credit of the member banks of the Fed, is worth 1/40th of an ounce.

Can you say, "Good-bye reserve currency status?"

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:28 am
by Jonflyfish
Prior for smaller swings. Now beginning allocations for a larger swing.
Initial short silver @ 40.22

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 9:57 am
by Jonflyfish
Second short allocation added @ 40.40

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:00 am
by Jonflyfish
For those who can't stomach volatility, I'd encourage you to avoid overly blissful thinking about "paper profits" with your physical exposure.
For those who don't watch price tick by tick, none of this matters anyway. Long term investment is different than those who are watching the tape.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:06 am
by Jonflyfish
Third allocation of the first position is filled at $40.44

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:13 am
by Jonflyfish
I smell something very mean and nasty brewing for the silver market. I hope for many here that I am 100% wrong. The future is unknowable, but something tells me it could get very ugly.
Have been away due to a hectic work and travel schedule, so unable to keep up here. Hope to be around more in the future. Good weekend to all.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:19 am
by Country
Jonflyfish wrote:I smell something very mean and nasty brewing for the silver market. I hope for many here that I am 100% wrong. The future is unknowable, but something tells me it could get very ugly.
Have been away due to a hectic work and travel schedule, so unable to keep up here. Hope to be around more in the future. Good weekend to all.

If we get a nasty correction, I'll be a buyer - bigger correction, bigger buyer. Let the fun begin.... 8-)

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:23 am
by Jonflyfish
Fourth and final allocation of first short position filled at $40.48. Can rest now.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:24 am
by Jonflyfish
Country wrote:
Jonflyfish wrote:I smell something very mean and nasty brewing for the silver market. I hope for many here that I am 100% wrong. The future is unknowable, but something tells me it could get very ugly.
Have been away due to a hectic work and travel schedule, so unable to keep up here. Hope to be around more in the future. Good weekend to all.

If we get a nasty correction, I'll be a buyer - bigger correction, bigger buyer. Let the fun begin.... 8-)

Me too, just like everyone here I am sure.


Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 10:32 am
by Jonflyfish
I do find it odd how people think, however. I had a small 1000 ounce allocation to sell here for a friend at $30 back in early January and it was way below spot, esp the ASE's. Yet, there were hardly any takers. If everyone believes in the "to the moon theory" then it is fascinating to see behavioral finance in practice.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and remember "everyone gets what they want out of the market". Think deeply about that and always be diligent.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:09 am
by SteelCityCopper
Jonflyfish wrote:I do find it odd how people think, however. I had a small 1000 ounce allocation to sell here for a friend at $30 back in early January and it was way below spot, esp the ASE's. Yet, there were hardly any takers. If everyone believes in the "to the moon theory" then it is fascinating to see behavioral finance in practice.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and remember "everyone gets what they want out of the market". Think deeply about that and always be diligent.

Ahh come on man, not everyone has $30K laying around assuming you were selling the lot in one fell swoop and not in pieces. Alot of people here on these boards that are excited about these price moves and stoke / cheer/ whatever you wanna call it higher, is probably buying in some capacity (me being one of them), maybe a few dimes here and there and maybe in larger lots. Personal financial situation directly impacts "behavioral finance" and it is different for everyone.

Major Prediction: Country's price updates and smileys on the first page fill the first page of the thread in a year LOL :D

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:18 am
by 68Camaro
SteelCityCopper wrote:
Jonflyfish wrote:I do find it odd how people think, however. I had a small 1000 ounce allocation to sell here for a friend at $30 back in early January and it was way below spot, esp the ASE's. Yet, there were hardly any takers. If everyone believes in the "to the moon theory" then it is fascinating to see behavioral finance in practice.
Hope everyone has a great weekend and remember "everyone gets what they want out of the market". Think deeply about that and always be diligent.

Ahh come on man, not everyone has $30K laying around assuming you were selling the lot in one fell swoop and not in pieces. Alot of people here on these boards that are excited about these price moves and stoke / cheer/ whatever you wanna call it higher, is probably buying in some capacity (me being one of them), maybe a few dimes here and there and maybe in larger lots. Personal financial situation directly impacts "behavioral finance" and it is different for everyone.

Major Prediction: Country's price updates and smileys on the first page fill the first page of the thread in a year LOL :D

Percentage wise, as far as physical, I'm mostly all-in now. I don't have a spare $30K left ($10K would be a stretch) to buy without liquidating something else that (by now) I have where I want anyway and I don't want to move out of. That would describe most of the people here. We're small potatoes. So if you offered 1000 oz now at $38, I would still have to skip over it. Break it into 25 to 100 oz lots and that would be a different matter. You'd have people swarming all over it.

Re: SILVER - $31

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:38 am
by Rodebaugh
beauanderos wrote:Yeah, I can remember from that time frame having to outbid other ebayer's. Once I had to go as high as $335 for a $100 face lot! Can you imagine? What was I thinking! :?

Yes I can. Thinking about that earlier today....(flashback time)... . . . . .

The year was 2001. I was setting in my dorm room (Laidley Hall) at Marshall University. Surfing eBay (not yet feeBay) looking at silver lots. Buying whatever I could as close to 3 x Face on extra student loan money. Times were good, life was simple, Dating a hot chick (now married to that hot chick), friends were always just down the hall playing tiger woods and GTA, and silver was cheap. What I wouldn't give to.....

Where is that darn Delorian w/ flux capasitor when you need it. :P

Re: SILVER - $31

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:40 am
by Corsair
Rodebaugh wrote:
beauanderos wrote:Yeah, I can remember from that time frame having to outbid other ebayer's. Once I had to go as high as $335 for a $100 face lot! Can you imagine? What was I thinking! :?

Yes I can. Thinking about that earlier today....(flashback time)... . . . . .

The year was 2001. I was setting in my dorm room (Laidley Hall) at Marshall University. Surfing eBay (not yet feeBay) looking at silver lots. Buying whatever I could as close to 3 x Face on extra student loan money. Times were good, life was simple, Dating a hot chick (now married to that hot chick), friends were always just down the hall playing tiger woods and GTA, and silver was cheap. What I wouldn't give to.....

Where is that darn Delorian w/ flux capasitor when you need it. :P

Think you'd be able to generate the 1.21 gigawatts?!

I wish I had some good silver flash-back stories. I remember being on vacation just two years ago, during the summer, and calling local coin shops to see what they were selling junk at. One told me 11x face. I said, "Thanks," and hung up as quick as possible. 11x? What a scalper!

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:47 am
by beauanderos
I have mixed emotions about the rapid price rise. Not touching the core bullion position, but trading equities in and out for paper gains (more shares). Have been knocked out now (upside target) on four juniors. Impact Silver, Fortuna, Minco, and today US Silver. If this pullback that JFF is counting on occurs, then maybe I'll get lucky and find myself back in to these positions at ten percent below where I sold them.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:50 am
by DeanStockwell
TBT calls - Strike of 36, shorting 20+ year treasuries.
ZSL calls - Strike of 20, shorting SILVER. Stop should trigger around 19.64... :lol:

What are you guys thinking of this "shutdown"?

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$32-$33-$34-$35-$36-$37-$38-$39 NOW $40

PostPosted: Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:02 pm
by Country
Too many folks looking for the pullback again. I think we move higher and do it fast from here. Perhaps after SILVER goes above the ALL TIME HIGH, in the next few weeks, we could see a big correction.