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Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:23 pm
by slickeast
September 7th 2010

Silver was $19.65. That was the last time it was as low as it is now.

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 4:49 pm
by avidbrandy
Just made my first purchase in over a year. This is a fantastic time to buy.

Re: Silver Was $22 now $21....going to $zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:27 pm
by slickeast
slickeast wrote:
CardsNCoins wrote:
slickeast wrote:Silver will be back in the green before the end of the day

That is a bold statement right there. What are you, a fly fisherman or something?

If I remember, I'll post a screen shot when it does.


In the green in Asia market. I said before the end of the day

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:31 pm
by Robarons
That -$73.50 has the to be the ugliest thing I have ever seen

and I have seen stuff

Re: Silver Was $22 now $21....going to $zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:40 pm
by scyther
Jonflyfish wrote:
scyther wrote:Heh... I got a fortune cookie yesterday that told me any decision I made that day would be fortunate. I really considered buying a tube of silver eagles, since premiums were reasonable and spot was the lowest I had ever seen it, and June is usually the low for the year. But in the end I decided to wait for lower prices. Guess the fortune cookie was right! :lol:

If spot was the lowest you have ever seen it, your observation is anecdotal and too abstract. What seems "lowest" can go lower, same for "highest" going higher.

Which is why I decided to wait. Good thing I did! Although it looks more obvious by the day that we're in a bear market and I should probably wait a long, long time to buy...

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:13 am
by neilgin1

good job that!!

I have the good fortune to tell you that I've decided to nominate and self appoint myself as President of the "JFF FanKlub".

its no joke, as President of the JFF FanKlub, i'm going to need a Vice President. i'll be reviewing resumes for anybody who wishes to throw their hat in the ring. I want to really take my time with this decision, because what would be the case, if I cant fulfill the duties of Office?

we also have to decide on when meetings are to be scheduled, and should these meetings take place over a platform like "going to meeting"...something internet based?...okay. Then we have to think about the Newsletter. Jon is NOT to be held responsible for any "trade ideas"....if he does decide to forward any ideas. I don't think it would be fair to bother him with the most maybe get some general "ideas" from JFF...or philosophies, life principles....thoughts, etc.

i'm very excited about this whole thing!!!! I hope you are too!!


Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:08 pm
by InfleXion
If we are in a bear market now we were never in a bull market.

2004: Silver broke down from bull market high of ~9 down to ~4 (start of bull market), a ~55% drop. Later it rose to 21, a ~425% gain from the previous low.

2008: Silver broke down from bull market high of ~21 down to ~9 (roughly the old high), a ~57% drop. Later it rose to 49, a ~450% gain from the previous low.

Today: Silver broke down from a bull market high of ~49 in 2011 down to now ~20 (roughly the old high) a ~59% drop.

This is how silver rolls. If the pattern remains intact that projects a price of ~114 around 2016 which would then touch back down to $50, and people will probably still say the bull market is over.

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 1:56 pm
by shinnosuke
InfleXion wrote:If we are in a bear market now we were never in a bull market.

2004: Silver broke down from bull market high of ~9 down to ~4 (start of bull market), a ~55% drop. Later it rose to 21, a ~425% gain from the previous low.

2008: Silver broke down from bull market high of ~21 down to ~9 (roughly the old high), a ~57% drop. Later it rose to 49, a ~450% gain from the previous low.

Today: Silver broke down from a bull market high of ~49 in 2011 down to now ~20 (roughly the old high) a ~59% drop.

This is how silver rolls. If the pattern remains intact that projects a price of ~114 around 2016 which would then touch back down to $50, and people will probably still say the bull market is over.

InfleXion, I feel smarter every time you post. Thanks.

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:26 pm
by Engineer
shinnosuke wrote:InfleXion, I feel smarter every time you post. Thanks.


Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:27 pm
by scyther
I don't see a 55% drop in 2004...

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 2:51 pm
by InfleXion
Thanks guys. That means a lot to me, really.

Scyther, if you look at the 10 year silver chart you'll see the blow off top at 9. I haven't gone back to look at the actual numbers and admittedly am ballparking it by looking at that chart and it may be more like a drop from 9 to 5 hence why I put all the ~'s in there as approximations. Either way, silver is a very volatile market and this is nothing new even if my numbers are a bit off. I can try to go pull some historical netdania feeds at some point if you want.


Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:14 pm
by InfleXion
Here's my graphical interpretation. I suppose I should add some disclaimer. I am not a professional advisor, yadda yadda, DYODD, I am not responsible for decisions you make with this information, a picture is worth a thousand words, don't count your chickens before they've hatched, wait 30 minutes before entering the pool after lunch, etc.

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:44 pm
by Country
I've marveled at the regularity of the swings since 2001. While waiting throughout the '80s and '90s for a resurgence, it finally came. From this summer's low, It seems that we are approaching another three to four year rise to much higher highs again. However, this theory is predicated on the previous high not being substantially broken to a new unpredictable low point. I have hope that the prediction comes true based on this wave theory that we see $100+ SILVER three to four years from now. If so, it would mean two years of grinding higher to the previous high and then one or two years of a tremendous geometric rise. May it so be in 2016-2017.

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 7:27 pm
by scyther
Country wrote:I've marveled at the regularity of the swings since 2001. While waiting throughout the '80s and '90s for a resurgence, it finally came. From this summer's low, It seems that we are approaching another three to four year rise to much higher highs again. However, this theory is predicated on the previous high not being substantially broken to a new unpredictable low point. I have hope that the prediction comes true based on this wave theory that we see $100+ SILVER three to four years from now. If so, it would mean two years of grinding higher to the previous high and then one or two years of a tremendous geometric rise. May it so be in 2016-2017.

I hope you're right. It really sucks finding 1 dime in a $250 box and not having it even be worth $2 anymore. I always used to estimate 20x face with the comforting knowledge that it was actually a bit higher, but now it's much lower...

Re: Silver Was $21 now $19....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:24 pm
by Computer Jones
scyther wrote:
Country wrote:I've marveled at the regularity of the swings since 2001. While waiting throughout the '80s and '90s for a resurgence, it finally came. From this summer's low, It seems that we are approaching another three to four year rise to much higher highs again. However, this theory is predicated on the previous high not being substantially broken to a new unpredictable low point. I have hope that the prediction comes true based on this wave theory that we see $100+ SILVER three to four years from now. If so, it would mean two years of grinding higher to the previous high and then one or two years of a tremendous geometric rise. May it so be in 2016-2017.

I hope you're right. It really sucks finding 1 dime in a $250 box and not having it even be worth $2 anymore. I always used to estimate 20x face with the comforting knowledge that it was actually a bit higher, but now it's much lower...

It will happen, probably in your life time.
Patience is a virtue, stay virtuous!

Nobody ever said your life will always be Roses and free BBQ!
If you KNOW it's right STAY THE COURSE!

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:54 pm
by Rodebaugh
Title updated.

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 1:57 pm
by barrytrot
If it goes to under $1 per I will be changing the renovation order on my house from "wood and concrete" to "silver" :)

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:58 pm
by beauanderos
Looks like $17 is on it's way :shifty: :sick:

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:01 pm
by theo
. . . and gold just crashed through 1200.

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:05 pm
by Rodebaugh
my current thoughts.....posted only once as not to beat the horse. My current bottom: Ag 13 Au 875.

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....going to $Zero?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:10 pm
by John Reich
I'll go out on a limb and predict Ag 10, Au 700 before it's over. Keep your powder dry!

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....How low can we go?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:19 pm
by barrytrot
If you truly predict 13 or 10 and you are not HEAVILY SHORT then what are you doing?

I5 wouldn't surprise me. 13 wouldn't either. 10 that would shock me.

I'm longer than I've ever been and I'm pretty happy with the outlook. I tend to be pretty bad at timing and a LOT of my winning investments have dropped 25% or more before eventually rising like a phoenix :)

25% drop would put us at around $13.60 so that coincides with something I would not be shocked by :)

Long term I don't see how the infinite dollars keep kicking the finite silver butt. :)

It may happen in which case I lose big time, but I'm putting my money where my mouth is :)

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....How low can we go?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 8:58 pm
by neilgin1
that's all well and swell, but I just want to know if we're going to get real about this "JFF FanKlub" Barry?

I am ...sort of, looking to you, as a strong Veep candidate. I think you're the right man for the job, you're a people person, focused, and we have business to attend to, meetings to schedule, newsletters to start writing, websites up and running with CONTENT, including an on line store complete with such swag as ball caps, t-shirts, coffee mugs...widening out into "selling" Jon's proprietary "system" w/ support.

a lot of work to be done.....and we don't even have Jon's buy in.

I feel like i'm just urinating into the wind. If its not a happening "thang"...oh well, so be it.....just seemed to me, there's a whole of money on the floor, just waiting to picked up.

oh well! forget it!...tempers and egos probably would have deep sixed it anyway.....I just wanted a ball cap and a coffee mug.


Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....How low can we go?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:11 pm
by barrytrot
I'm not sure what your post means neilgin1? Even more so than normal :)

Re: Silver Was $20 now $18....How low can we go?

PostPosted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:36 pm
by Jonflyfish
It looks like a shift is underway. Could make many happy.
