where has everybody gone?

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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby John Reich » Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:34 pm

Know Common Cents wrote:I guess we all spend some time traversing the dark side of the moon. Most everyone discovers they're in an elliptical orbit, though, and makes that journey only to find a renewed interest in Ag, Au, Ni and Cu. I've made this trip numerous times, but have discovered my passion for PMs re-ignites quickly after an absence.

Great analogy!!! I too have been at the stacking game for many years. After the excitement of 1980 it was a mostly down hill slide for the precious metals for over 20 years. I remember telling a buddy who bought 90% at 3.5 times face in the late 90's that I was going to wait until it was cheaper before I bought in!! Thank goodness I came to my senses a few years later! Like everyone else, I have more interest when prices are rising, but the "pilot light" of interest never goes out...
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Re: Copper Cents 1.15 + shipping.

Postby coppernickel » Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:00 pm

This post has really been unsettling!

Thogey wrote:I need to destroy this monument to the stupidest waste of time I can imagine.

The time is lost but these cents are still here. I figure about 25 coffee cans 10 ammo cans and a 5 foot rocket case

I touched every cent you will receive. 1.15x FV plus shipping. I will sell by weight. Buy as little or as much as you wish.

I can send 25 lbs for 6 bucks. ;) CTU, whatever. I want to get rid of them before I HAVE to. I hope who ever buys them experiences a rapid profit, a rapid increase in value. :thumbup:

Over the last month or so I have wanted to slow down. There have been several too good to pass up offers so I keep going.

I think, hope, we are in the doldrum prior to the up swing.
Last edited by coppernickel on Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby coppernickel » Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:08 pm

Copper will go up. I'm afraid it will portend more upheaval than I want with it.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby Thogey » Sat Mar 04, 2017 5:48 pm

I didn't intend to unsettle anyone. Go ahead and resettle.

CRHing is fun and cool. I enjoyed it. But should have dumped and sold as I went along.
There is no argument that will convince me it is worth the hassle to hoard. hundreds or thousands of pounds of cents.
The Adam young storage option looks like the best way to go.
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Where has everybody gone?

Postby coppernickel » Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:23 pm

There has been a significant decrease in the chatter. It caught my attention when I opened up today and there has been no new posts since I was last on. I don't remember this happening before.

Also, the banks I have been sourcing from have implemented new restrictions recently. You know the kind, "you need to give your account number," "you can't get an entire box," etc. When Wells Fargo was under the intense scrutiny they were more willing to be a source, but that went away very quickly around here. They were the last bank in this region willing to be a source bank.

I'm grateful for the reaffirmation. :thumbup: The trades and other offers are still much appreciated. :wave:
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby silverflake » Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:06 am

I am one who has not contributed much here of late. I mentioned in a previous post in this thread that i am at a period in my life that has become busy beyond what i ever imagined.....2 boys in college as of this coming September thus i am working 2 jobs, seldom a day off. BUT, this is STILL the best site on the whole internet. I check in weekly vs daily but...

Stay real guys and keep stacking.

By the way, check out the British Queens Beasts silver 2 oz coins. Cool coins.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby NHsorter » Sat Mar 25, 2017 9:32 am

Same here, busy with a million other things and just have not had the free time to get here much. Still peek in every now and then, but there is not as much going on too peek at either! We need a nice spike in silver to get everyone chatty again, haha.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby pennypicker » Sat Mar 25, 2017 9:52 am

All our local banks now have thick bullet proof glass due to all the gang crime and take over robberies here in California. Bank of America will now only slide a maximum of ten rolls of pennies under the glass. They also closed down the commercial line which used to have its own separate room. No way for the teller to hand you a full box anymore so I just said the hell with penny sorting--I don't need the headache :thumbdown:
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby beauanderos » Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:18 am

I will still sort the handful of change I keep in my car while in line at any drive-thru, but that's the extent of my sorting nowadays. I just prefer the looks of the old copper
cents, as opposed to the cheap post 82's. :thumbup:
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby JadeDragon » Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:29 pm

With no pennies to sort in Canada, Ni Nickles getting pretty scarce (and low metal prices limiting market), silver dimes and quarters not worth the time tonreward ratio, and no way to sort halves here there just is not much to talk about for me. I do try to remember to ask for any old or unusual currency at the bank, and sometimes that leads to an interestinb score.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby johnbrickner » Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:36 pm

I picked up $11 yesterday and since everyone else is shying away from them, it's time to sort these. I hear bagpipes I have to different beat march to.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:31 pm

johnbrickner wrote:I picked up $11 yesterday and since everyone else is shying away from them, it's time to sort these. I hear bagpipes I have to different beat march to.

Only $11 John? You've got to feed that Ryedale more than that. I just finished off a $100 batch of CWRs hand sorting. It was over the span of several days but worth it. Check out the results in the tracking thread.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby oober » Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:54 pm

JadeDragon wrote:With no pennies to sort in Canada, Ni Nickles getting pretty scarce (and low metal prices limiting market), silver dimes and quarters not worth the time tonreward ratio, and no way to sort halves here there just is not much to talk about for me. I do try to remember to ask for any old or unusual currency at the bank, and sometimes that leads to an interestinb score.

I've got about 200 face in Canadian from my yrs of searching. These are unsearched too. I kept everyone I have ever found.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby chris6084 » Sun Mar 26, 2017 10:17 pm

pennypicker wrote:All our local banks now have thick bullet proof glass due to all the gang crime and take over robberies here in California. Bank of America will now only slide a maximum of ten rolls of pennies under the glass. They also closed down the commercial line which used to have its own separate room. No way for the teller to hand you a full box anymore so I just said the hell with penny sorting--I don't need the headache :thumbdown:

All my banks have bulletproof glass too. Don't yours have a 'box' with two doors where they can hand over larger items? Every bank I have been to with bulletproof glass have those, so I have never had an issue getting a box (or several) of coin at those banks.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby neilgin1 » Mon Apr 03, 2017 1:07 pm

hey ya'll
since i'm very satisfied with the Ag/Ni/Cu stack, as well as lead....I been spread trading corn futures, buying the July 18 corn, 4 to 7 cents over selling the Dec 18 corn....its a paint dry trade, looking to sell the July 18 corn anywhere from 40 to 75 cents over the Dec 18......so I been grilled in on the "board".....heck, since grain is global, I been living like a bat....plus, everything is so off these days, the coyote in me, has me real quiet and close to the den....fondly, n
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby realhumancopper » Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:06 pm

I think Mr. black rabbit said it well. I think this site is too small a sample of differing opinions. Now if there were a lurker here who could move 100 Million ounces of physical silver, then I would be looking very carefully for a "tell" from a rare poster. Good luck all.....................b
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby pennypicker » Mon Apr 03, 2017 2:16 pm

chris6084 wrote:
pennypicker wrote:All our local banks now have thick bullet proof glass due to all the gang crime and take over robberies here in California. Bank of America will now only slide a maximum of ten rolls of pennies under the glass. They also closed down the commercial line which used to have its own separate room. No way for the teller to hand you a full box anymore so I just said the hell with penny sorting--I don't need the headache :thumbdown:

All my banks have bulletproof glass too. Don't yours have a 'box' with two doors where they can hand over larger items? Every bank I have been to with bulletproof glass have those, so I have never had an issue getting a box (or several) of coin at those banks.

The merchant window which was in a separate room had the "box" that you describe but they closed that room and now we have just the regular teller windows and none of them have the box, just a curved tray at the bottom of the window that you can only fit your fingers underneath but not your whole hand. This is why they only give a max of ten rolls and they don't give boxes anymore. Furthermore the tellers at each window don't have cash on hand as they have to go to the main teller on each transaction who sits in a more fortified glass enclosure about ten feet behind them.

My city is now gang infested and the local banks were hit many times in recent years by "take over" robberies and consequently the banks have taken measures to prevent this at the inconvenience of us customers--its a California thing :thumbdown:
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby 68Camaro » Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:35 pm

neilgin1 wrote:hey ya'll
since i'm very satisfied with the Ag/Ni/Cu stack, as well as lead....I been spread trading corn futures, buying the July 18 corn, 4 to 7 cents over selling the Dec 18 corn....its a paint dry trade, looking to sell the July 18 corn anywhere from 40 to 75 cents over the Dec 18......so I been grilled in on the "board".....heck, since grain is global, I been living like a bat....plus, everything is so off these days, the coyote in me, has me real quiet and close to the den....fondly, n

Back to your roots! Good for you. Hope you teach the electronic traders a thing or two.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby TwoAndAHalfCents » Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:00 pm

pennypicker wrote:My city is now gang infested and the local banks were hit many times in recent years by "take over" robberies and consequently the banks have taken measures to prevent this at the inconvenience of us customers--its a California thing :thumbdown:

Have you tried Chase? I haven't been to their branches in the high desert but over here on the other side of the mountain I have found them to be much better to deal with than Bank of America. They generally don't require you to have an account with them for change orders under $100 and they tend to have customer wrapped rolls more often than bank wrapped ones.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby chris6084 » Mon Apr 03, 2017 11:44 pm

pennypicker wrote:
chris6084 wrote:
pennypicker wrote:All our local banks now have thick bullet proof glass due to all the gang crime and take over robberies here in California. Bank of America will now only slide a maximum of ten rolls of pennies under the glass. They also closed down the commercial line which used to have its own separate room. No way for the teller to hand you a full box anymore so I just said the hell with penny sorting--I don't need the headache :thumbdown:

All my banks have bulletproof glass too. Don't yours have a 'box' with two doors where they can hand over larger items? Every bank I have been to with bulletproof glass have those, so I have never had an issue getting a box (or several) of coin at those banks.

The merchant window which was in a separate room had the "box" that you describe but they closed that room and now we have just the regular teller windows and none of them have the box, just a curved tray at the bottom of the window that you can only fit your fingers underneath but not your whole hand. This is why they only give a max of ten rolls and they don't give boxes anymore. Furthermore the tellers at each window don't have cash on hand as they have to go to the main teller on each transaction who sits in a more fortified glass enclosure about ten feet behind them.

My city is now gang infested and the local banks were hit many times in recent years by "take over" robberies and consequently the banks have taken measures to prevent this at the inconvenience of us customers--its a California thing :thumbdown:

Believe me, I am not unfamiliar with gang infested areas, I work in the worst part of Oakland. One interesting security feature I have seen (In addition to bulletproof glass and an armed security guard both inside and outside the bank) is an automated bulky safe at each teller. The safe spits out the exact amount of cash needed in the transaction, so there is no actual drawer with cash in it.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby coppernickel » Fri Apr 07, 2017 6:41 pm

TwoAndAHalfCents wrote:
pennypicker wrote:My city is now gang infested and the local banks were hit many times in recent years by "take over" robberies and consequently the banks have taken measures to prevent this at the inconvenience of us customers--its a California thing :thumbdown:

Have you tried Chase? I haven't been to their branches in the high desert but over here on the other side of the mountain I have found them to be much better to deal with than Bank of America. They generally don't require you to have an account with them for change orders under $100 and they tend to have customer wrapped rolls more often than bank wrapped ones.

The Chase tellers around here are so dumbfounded when I have asked for rolls of coins they had to ask a manager if they were allowed to give out rolled coin, and get it from the vault. I always test the waters asking for a few rolls. I haven't went back.
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby Morsecode » Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:44 pm

It's funny, but I was reminded of this place a couple times this week. I came here tonight to post something, then I saw this thread.

My boss and I have been renovating an 18th century farmhouse that he is moving into. The original wing of the house was completed in 1794/5 and had a loft. To get to the loft you had to ascend a set of stairs that are practically vertical as a ladder. The "back" staircase hadn't really been in use since around 1890 - 1910 when the second floor was more properly finished and a formal staircase dropped down into the front parlor.

Anywho...we had an electrician drilling holes and running new wire all over the place and when he was done I went exploring the crevices that had been hidden for a couple centuries. Stuck between a riser and the outer wall I spotted what I thought was a cent, but it turned out to be a well worn 1833 dime (high 3 variety). Whoever lost it back in the day probably heard it hit the wood step, but there was no way they could retrieve it even if they knew where it went. Though I wonder how long they looked.

The carriage barn yielded a decent 1916 wheat penny, and a sweet little sterling fruit knife ca.1850, weighing around 17 grams.

I mention all of that to tell you this. I was out working the first landscaping job of the season and as I was sweeping up the last of the leaves and sand from a small parking lot I caught glimpse of another dime. I said to myself 'Wouldn't it be weird if it was silver?' Sure enough, 1962.

And that's when my first reaction was to post it on realcent. I mean, who else would even care, right? ;)
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby 68Camaro » Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:48 pm

Great finds but especially an 1833 dime! Yep we would each be ecstatic if that happened to us.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby Morsecode » Sun Apr 09, 2017 9:53 pm

I resized the pic. Hope it still has some quality...
Collage 2017-04-09 21_42_31-768x1261.jpg
Collage 2017-04-09 21_42_31-768x1261.jpg (334.35 KiB) Viewed 1350 times
From hence ye beauties undeceived, know one false step is ne'er retrieved
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Re: where has everybody gone?

Postby beauanderos » Sun Apr 09, 2017 10:13 pm

Way cool! Thanks for posting :thumbup:
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