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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby 68Camaro » Tue Nov 26, 2013 6:40 am

Dunno what all this means, but here's a suggestion to all the weak hands on RC - I'll do my best to accomodate buying your silver at $3 below current spot. Since it's going to zero, you'll be saving hundreds if not thousands of $$! Do it now, before the price drop!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:15 pm

JerrySpringer wrote:
neilgin1 wrote:what i'm seeing JUST on Ebay, is a market that's pretty robust. a lot of guys throwing in the towel, but MOST of the buyers are those with multiple thousand stars..

Are sellers trying to unload before prices go LOWER? Is that what you are seeing?

no....i'm seeing guys THROW IN THE TOWEL, only to be met by "strong hand" buyers....that's what I meant by "multiple thousand stars", those stars mean individ VERY serious LIQUID stackers. Most of the regular 90% roll sellers, these are e-storefront's, that will pay joe six pack stacker, MELT, turn around, put 'em on Ebay, and the cash market, takes them up to 20-28 times (even more for high numi rolls)

this kind of behavior..."throwing in the towel" from "weak hand" sellers is ALWAYS a feature of a multi-year, multi-decade bull market, and its symptomatic of looking at PM's....silver, with a wrong idea in these times. Ag is NOT an investment, its currency you gotta buy WHAT YOU CAN HANDLE, and still "keep the lights on" with fiat. If you go batty, and buy too much, falling behind on bills, and grocery money....then?...its a sad unfortunate trip to your LCS to trade in rolls of 90's for melt....and one cant fault the LCS to maintain a bid based on the board, because these guys make their living on the, the zone between bid, what they pay you, and offer, what they can sell it for on the cash market......and THERE IS, an increasing LARGE disconnect between the "board".....and where "cash" is 21 times face for a $10 FV roll is $30 dollars an ounce.

in closing?...these days, imho, EVERYTHING is at a disconnect, name me ONE "institution" in these United States, you have ANY trust me, they are ALL criminals, unworthy of trust or respect, liars, crooks and thieves the lot of 'em.
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby neilgin1 » Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:16 pm

68Camaro wrote:Dunno what all this means, but here's a suggestion to all the weak hands on RC - I'll do my best to accomodate buying your silver at $3 below current spot. Since it's going to zero, you'll be saving hundreds if not thousands of $$! Do it now, before the price drop!! :mrgreen:

awww, gee whiz, how thoughtful of you....(heeehheeee)
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby ZenOps » Tue Nov 26, 2013 1:25 pm

Could be some retail selling pressure into Black Friday. If the price is under $19 by thursday I might actually buy some silver instead of nickel.

Truth be known, many just want to flip - The ultimate goal is the $98 HDTV at Wallymart.
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby InfleXion » Wed Nov 27, 2013 11:45 am

ZenOps wrote:Could be some retail selling pressure into Black Friday. If the price is under $19 by thursday I might actually buy some silver instead of nickel.

Truth be known, many just want to flip - The ultimate goal is the $98 HDTV at Wallymart.

Sound logic, though I can't independently verify, aside from a friend of mine who is a classic example. The thing that drives me up a wall is that he knew when I bought silver at $10, and he knows all the reasons why I stack, and he is still saying "I'm waiting for $4 silver, it's overpriced", yet he will blow $400 a weekend on booze and pull tabs until he is flat broke, which he is, but not after buying a crappy overpriced home theater system at Walmart as an impulse buy without doing any research. When he was walking around with $4000 in his wallet I told him to buy some silver, but noooooo.. people just aren't going to get their priorities straight until they absolutely have to. GRR
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby beauanderos » Wed Nov 27, 2013 1:23 pm

InfleXion wrote:
ZenOps wrote:Could be some retail selling pressure into Black Friday. If the price is under $19 by thursday I might actually buy some silver instead of nickel.

Truth be known, many just want to flip - The ultimate goal is the $98 HDTV at Wallymart.

Sound logic, though I can't independently verify, aside from a friend of mine who is a classic example. The thing that drives me up a wall is that he knew when I bought silver at $10, and he knows all the reasons why I stack, and he is still saying "I'm waiting for $4 silver, it's overpriced", yet he will blow $400 a weekend on booze and pull tabs until he is flat broke, which he is, but not after buying a crappy overpriced home theater system at Walmart as an impulse buy without doing any research. When he was walking around with $4000 in his wallet I told him to buy some silver, but noooooo.. people just aren't going to get their priorities straight until they absolutely have to. GRR

even if your friend had bought silver... he is the classic definition of weak hands, he'd sell at the first sign of a little profit :roll:
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby beauanderos » Mon Dec 02, 2013 2:55 pm

Sold my ZSL this morning... that was a LONG hold for just $140 profit. Taking the proceeds and reinvesting in USLV if it hits $45... sixteen more cents :clap: :thumbup:
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby beauanderos » Mon Dec 02, 2013 3:02 pm

beauanderos wrote:Sold my ZSL this morning... that was a LONG hold for just $140 profit. Taking the proceeds and reinvesting in USLV if it hits $45... sixteen more cents :clap: :thumbup:

FILLED :mrgreen:

now for the reversal :shifty:
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby CLINT-THE-GREAT » Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:32 pm

beauanderos wrote:Sold my ZSL this morning... that was a LONG hold for just $140 profit. Taking the proceeds and reinvesting in USLV if it hits $45... sixteen more cents :clap: :thumbup:

I wish I knew more about this..... I konw quite a bit in comparison to the people I talk to and family and friends come to me for advice on AG/AU.... but it's like when I get on RC and see you guys talking about holding back this to trail that and such... I'm like :?: :shock: I feel like a dummy!

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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby Country » Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:33 pm

No reversal this time - IT'S GOING STRAIGHT TO ZERO!! :?

AND THEN.... :twisted:
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby Rodebaugh » Mon Dec 02, 2013 5:48 pm

New thread title.

Good luck Ray. My advise: Watch it like a hawk....or set a stop loss.
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby beauanderos » Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:28 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:New thread title.

Good luck Ray. My advise: Watch it like a hawk....or set a stop loss.
Be safe out there.

I'll be satisfied with a small gain, then that will be deployed back into ZSL.
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby scyther » Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:30 pm

Getting closer and closer to a new low...
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby coppertop1982 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 11:38 pm

Why is silver falling off the face of the planet ?
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby silversurfer » Tue Dec 03, 2013 2:48 am

I'm not fazed by the recent prices, I see this as an opportunity to add to my stack. :D
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby NHsorter » Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:33 am

How much longer should one wait before backing up the truck? I have been sitting here in neutral and my shocks are about to buckle under the weight of all of these accumulated FRN's, haha.
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby beauanderos » Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:48 am

NHsorter wrote:How much longer should one wait before backing up the truck? I have been sitting here in neutral and my shocks are about to buckle under the weight of all of these accumulated FRN's, haha.

this seems like a good point to me to be buying :mrgreen:
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby InfleXion » Tue Dec 03, 2013 6:41 pm

I would simply say, where there's smoke, there's fire. I learned that the hard way when silver dropped from $28 to $25. I pulled the trigger then, and then I had to do it again at $23, $21, and $19. If these markets are as predictably jokey as I think they might be then yesterday's drop may have been a warning of further downside. Still, any significant drops will mean supply crunch so I am always happy to lock in my delivery for a slight premium on a downward move. Ultimately my gut says the powers will be happy to have any sub $20 price come year end portfolio reshuffling so it could very well hover here for a bit. And of course, all free advice is worth what was paid to receive it :D
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby slickeast » Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:12 am

In a few weeks people will be paying someone to take their silver. It will be a disposal fee.
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Dec 04, 2013 6:50 am

slickeast wrote:In a few weeks people will be paying someone to take their silver. It will be a disposal fee.

What're you charging? It's going to cost Ray a fortune to get rid of his. Will it be like asbestos, where they have to tape off the area and use HazMat suits?
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby slickeast » Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:27 am


There will be specially trained people to do the removal. Special built trucks, landfills, town meetings where people are trying to ban silver from being dumped in their towns. Illegal dumping, contaminated rivers from illegal dumping. The government will step in and impose regulations on the proper disposal of unwanted silver. Nuclear waste will be more accepted in landfills than silver.
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby Rodebaugh » Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:42 am

slickeast wrote:Rich,

There will be specially trained people to do the removal. Special built trucks, landfills, town meetings where people are trying to ban silver from being dumped in their towns. Illegal dumping, contaminated rivers from illegal dumping. The government will step in and impose regulations on the proper disposal of unwanted silver. Nuclear waste will be more accepted in landfills than silver.

This is true Peter..... Furthermore, Under the new law no one will be forced to use a new government appointed silver disposal plan. In short; If you like your current silver removal plan you can keep that plan, and if you like your silver disposal specialist you can keep your disposal specialist.
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to -$2

Postby 68Camaro » Wed Dec 04, 2013 11:48 am

Ah, you tease, but we all know the government will charge us more to dispose of our silver, and further will force us to pay for palladium disposal even if we have no palladium.
In the game of Woke, the goal posts can be moved at any moment, the penalties will apply retroactively and claims of fairness will always lose out to the perpetual right to claim offense.... Bret Stephens
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby Rodebaugh » Wed Dec 04, 2013 1:46 pm

beauanderos wrote:
beauanderos wrote:Sold my ZSL this morning... that was a LONG hold for just $140 profit. Taking the proceeds and reinvesting in USLV if it hits $45... sixteen more cents :clap: :thumbup:

FILLED :mrgreen:

now for the reversal :shifty:

You sir are a paper paladin......well played :clap:
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Re: Silver Was $22 Now it is $19....Going to ZERO

Postby beauanderos » Wed Dec 04, 2013 2:29 pm

Rodebaugh wrote:
beauanderos wrote:
beauanderos wrote:Sold my ZSL this morning... that was a LONG hold for just $140 profit. Taking the proceeds and reinvesting in USLV if it hits $45... sixteen more cents :clap: :thumbup:

FILLED :mrgreen:

now for the reversal :shifty:

You sir are a paper paladin......well played :clap:

Well... said I'd be satisfied with a small profit. You just know they're gonna slam the market on Friday again. So I sold 57 shares of USLV for a $4.12 profit per share and will sit on the proceeds for a better entry point back into ZSL. Market may continue to climb but I'm not sophisticated enough to pick exact tops and bottoms (in other words, when I get greedy I wind up paying for it :sick: )
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