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Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:24 am
by beauanderos
Theo... you can quit worrying about the end of QE2. A few Fed governors jawboning to give an illusion that quantitative easing is coming to an end is all that is. The FED can do nothing else but continue, whether they call it QE3 or whatever. No one is buying treasuries. About 85% is now being monetized. Go listen to the most recent radio show over at

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:32 am
by AGCoinHunter
beauanderos wrote:Theo... you can quit worrying about the end of QE2. A few Fed governors jawboning to give an illusion that quantitative easing is coming to an end is all that is. The FED can do nothing else but continue, whether they call it QE3 or whatever. No one is buying treasuries. About 85% is now being monetized. Go listen to the most recent radio show over at

I just want to know what dumbasses are buying the other 15% in treasuries.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:33 am
by shinnosuke
AGCoinHunter wrote:
beauanderos wrote:Theo... you can quit worrying about the end of QE2. A few Fed governors jawboning to give an illusion that quantitative easing is coming to an end is all that is. The FED can do nothing else but continue, whether they call it QE3 or whatever. No one is buying treasuries. About 85% is now being monetized. Go listen to the most recent radio show over at

I just want to know what dumbasses are buying the other 15% in treasuries.

Hilarious!...but you're right.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:08 am
by timmus0382
Is there something wrong with me? I've been watching spot last night and this morning and have seen it at 48ish and 49ish. Now I just looked at kitco and saw it at 46.95 but it still shows it as being up 33 cents. It opened in NY around 48. Why isint kitco showing it as taking a loss? Am I missing something?

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:13 am
by AGCoinHunter
timmus0382 wrote:Is there something wrong with me? I've been watching spot last night and this morning and have seen it at 48ish and 49ish. Now I just looked at kitco and saw it at 46.95 but it still shows it as being up 33 cents. It opened in NY around 48. Why isint kitco showing it as taking a loss? Am I missing something?

Think they only show change since open in NY. The prices you saw were other markets.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:14 am
by CardsNCoins
timmus0382 wrote:Is there something wrong with me? I've been watching spot last night and this morning and have seen it at 48ish and 49ish. Now I just looked at kitco and saw it at 46.95 but it still shows it as being up 33 cents. It opened in NY around 48. Why isint kitco showing it as taking a loss? Am I missing something?

They are going by their last close of $46.61 which was either Thurs. or Fri.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:20 am
by frugi
just before open this morning at 6:30 CST it was up 5%. Now it is up only 0.33%. Silver is dropping today. I think this is manipulation in some form. I am most pissed off about the currency exchange websites are all missing, or giving wrong information. Sites I have been visiting 5 times a day are gone, or no longer offering data on the US dollar exchange rates. WTF!, and now this. Silver was shy of $50.00, and now at $46.00. Fine, but why can't I view the declining dollar rates anymore, and I doubt this is Easter related. As of last friday the exchange rate for the US dollar in Canada was $0.9480, but the only sites I can find it on now, showed it at $0.9530 before it would have changed. Something isn't right, and I am not sure I can trust anything on the internet anymore.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:44 am
by Rodebaugh
Haircut anyone?

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:04 am
by Country
We're gonna have to ignore the wild thinly traded SILVER of the past few hours. The LME isn't even open for business today. Other worldwide exchanges are on Easter holiday too.

From Friday's close until now SILVER is down 27c. Hope no one got caught trading the whipsaw. I'd suggest maintaining a focus on the upward trend of SILVER, which really does need a pause, but not necessarily a correction to lower prices.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$35, WAS $36-$40, WAS $41-$45, NOW $46+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:15 am
by Lemon Thrower
Lemon Thrower wrote:even if those figures are correct they are not very reliable. its sort of like the after hours trading in a stock. sure, those trades really happen at wierd prices, but they have little predictive value for what happens when the regular market opens again..

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:21 am
by shinnosuke
Chill, everyone. Just pretend it is still Sunday. Keep buying silver because it is only going up. Some info for you:
April Bank holidays
Dates England & Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
Good Friday Yes Yes Yes 22 April 2011

Dates England & Wales Scotland Northern Ireland
Easter Monday Yes No Yes 25 April 2011

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:48 am
by Lemon Thrower
shinnosuke wrote:Chill, everyone. Just pretend it is still Sunday. Keep buying silver because it is only going up.


some good information about "shake-out" declines a few days prior to option expiration here:

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:15 am
by beauanderos
Maybe the London market LME being closed is a good reason the price kept climbing before it got to NY? No suppression team over there on duty to assist in manipulations. You can see what silver WANTS to do when no one is around to kill the rise.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:25 am
by Country
If you are nimble, you could have made some nice trades in SILVER today. Started off going to $49.85, and then fell as low as $45.66. As of now, SILVER is up $1.00 at $47.61. Quite a wild day, BUT THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND. Be vigilant, but STAY RESOLUTE, SILVER IS GOING MUCH HIGHER!!! :mrgreen:

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:34 am
by 68Camaro
Watching market on phone in airport. Serious volatility. But thats all it is so far. Desperate coverage of shorts combined with desperate new shorting in an attempt to cap the market. Quite a ride.
Very remarkable.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:56 am
by Rodebaugh
whats 25 pages long, has 615 posts, and has over 10 thousand views?

This thread. Nice work country.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 6:25 pm
by oober
Might be a good time to buy tomorrow or Wedneday, CME raising margins again (about 10%).

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 8:33 pm
by Corsair

$45.96. "And here, we, go."

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:35 pm
by Rodebaugh


still buying ;)

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:41 pm
by justj2k78


Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 10:50 pm
by Thogey
I hope the bottom falls out.

30-40.00 silver still seems ridiculous.

It takes a lot of self-control to not sell, and right now selling would change my lifestyle a little bit.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:00 pm
by blackrabbit
This is one fun ride! I am both still buying and selling small amounts.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 11:31 pm
by shinnosuke
$44.82...These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Thomas Paine 23Dec1776.

I know there will be many who panic at the lower price. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but if the price drops now I am happy. I will buy more. The price will bounce back. Hold tight.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 5:32 am
by 68Camaro
As I drink my morning coffee it's back to the $46 range. Hardly changed from last week's close, so you have to let go of the emotion. It has experienced at 10% swing due to manipulation. This was expected. We can expect the thugs in London/NY to try to knock it down again this morning, so don't be surprised at a temporary drop back to the 42-43 range. Expected, and again, if you look at long-term behavior, just a blip, and still above where we were just a couple weeks ago.

Re: SILVER - WAS $31-$39, WAS $40-$47, NOW $48+

PostPosted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 6:33 am
by Rodebaugh

Ray at the at the commodities market yesterday?