Explosions at Boston Marathon!

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Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon!

Postby hobo finds » Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:08 am

hobo finds
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Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon!

Postby Catfish4u » Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:28 pm

The following is just my opinion.......... The Rolling Stone magazine is 'under seige by the federal goverment and it's puppet media and corporations'! Where was the outrage when Charlie Manson was on the front cover? There was none!

The Rolling Stone is a threat to the 'establishment' and the government is trying to use it's media and corporate puppets to put the Rolling Stone out of business. Michael Hastings has been silenced and now to silence the entire magazine through cutting off finances and bankruptcy. The Rolling Stone reporters have been hugely critical of the federal government in everything from the drug war, federal reserve bank bailouts, stimulus and corporate cronyism, big oil companies, excessive drone killing, SEC looking the other way for Bernie Madoff, etc..................
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Re: Explosions at Boston Marathon!

Postby CtrlAltBernanke » Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:41 pm

What about George W. and Barack Obama being on the cover? They've killed more innocent Americans than any Boston Bomber. Or how about if a police officer was on the cover? Every week you see headlines about some no knock raid going deadly wrong and some Marine who is defending his house or somebody's innocent grandfather taking one to the head because some [fluffy kitten] cop wrote down the wrong address or had the wrong information.. This Rolling Stones cover issue is such BS and MSM trash that many people have bought into.
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