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To rim or not to rim sort with halves
Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:14 pm
by Pennysaved
For those of you who do a high volume of half sorting, do many of you just look at the rims to give you the clue for a silver half and just forget at looking at the date of each coin.
I know this might miss 87's and NIFC and proofs but I figure it would be faster sorting that way. I figure there might be some who are just in it for the silver and don't care about the proofs,etc.
Of course, you can usually tell right away if a coin is silver by the look and the way it sounds when it clinks against another coin.
Re: To rim or not to rim sort with halves
Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:41 pm
by UDEric
When I first started I would always check each date and then as the hobby evolved I became just an edge sorter. You can actually miss a 40% silver coin by edge sorting (although this is rare to happen) but in the end missing 1 40% is probably worth saving all that time.
Re: To rim or not to rim sort with halves
Wed Oct 20, 2010 6:45 pm
by Country
I look at every half. I have searched as much as $4k of halves a week (I'm only doing $1500 now). I think it's worth the time and it's fun too. I've seen many 40%ers whose edges look just like clads. Also, the proofs and nice NIFCs are nice to get at face. Unless you don't have the time (those folks searching 20K+ a week), I think it's time well spent.
Re: To rim or not to rim sort with halves
Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:22 pm
by slickeast
I edge sort, but that is before the dump bank lowered the amount to $300 a day in the machine. I might start looking at all of them now that I lowered my weekly amount.
Re: To rim or not to rim sort with halves
Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:26 pm
by sdmarasso
I edge sort and I obviously can't say I've gotten ALL the proofs in my boxes because I don't look at the face. However, I can usually tell the proof coins from the edge just as well as a silver coin. They are shiny and clean and they look thicker because the edges aren't all worn. Also NIFC I can usually get too because most of those are shiny new looking and so is the edge. I'm sure I miss 87's but then I don't really care about them either.