Wanna hear some BS?
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:08 pm
So I went to Bank of America the other day to withdraw some $ from my account.
While I'm standing there, I look down (like I always do), and couldn't believe my eyes. I saw 5 silver half kennedy dollars sitting in the teller's coin tray
I tell her immediately that I want to purchase all the half dollars in her tray and while I'm pulling money out of my wallet, I notice that she starts looking at them and realizes why I am requesting to purchase them. She takes the 5 silver ones and puts them conveniently behind her monitor next to her belongings, and hands me all the junk ones. I said " Why are you taking those out, I asked for all your coins.". Her reply " Oh you can't have them.". I said to her "Excuse me? Why can't I have them if they are clearly in your tray?", and her response was " They are for someone else.".
So as politely as I can possibly be, I started to really interrogate the teller now, despite how infuriated I was. Her explanation to me was that "someone else" (i.e. herself) had purchased them the other day and she forgot to give them to the person who purchased them and just left them in her tray. . WELL, to calm my frustration a little, I started to focus on the ones she handed me and realized that she had forgotten that 1965-1970 were the clad ones. Luckily, I found two, paid for them and gave her the junk ones back.
After I caught her in a bold face lie, she refused to speak to me, and made another teller handle my kennedy purchases.
Needless to say, I'm still pissed and wrote a nice, lengthy complaint letter, detailing everything that she did. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I really just want to hear what you guys think as I greatly respect everyone's opinion on this forum. I wasn't looking for trouble or to start problems by any means, but I just felt like this teller REALLY crossed the line, especially in the customer service area. I don't know too much about what teller's can and cannot do, but I felt this was completely unacceptable.
While I'm standing there, I look down (like I always do), and couldn't believe my eyes. I saw 5 silver half kennedy dollars sitting in the teller's coin tray
I tell her immediately that I want to purchase all the half dollars in her tray and while I'm pulling money out of my wallet, I notice that she starts looking at them and realizes why I am requesting to purchase them. She takes the 5 silver ones and puts them conveniently behind her monitor next to her belongings, and hands me all the junk ones. I said " Why are you taking those out, I asked for all your coins.". Her reply " Oh you can't have them.". I said to her "Excuse me? Why can't I have them if they are clearly in your tray?", and her response was " They are for someone else.".
So as politely as I can possibly be, I started to really interrogate the teller now, despite how infuriated I was. Her explanation to me was that "someone else" (i.e. herself) had purchased them the other day and she forgot to give them to the person who purchased them and just left them in her tray. . WELL, to calm my frustration a little, I started to focus on the ones she handed me and realized that she had forgotten that 1965-1970 were the clad ones. Luckily, I found two, paid for them and gave her the junk ones back.
After I caught her in a bold face lie, she refused to speak to me, and made another teller handle my kennedy purchases.
Needless to say, I'm still pissed and wrote a nice, lengthy complaint letter, detailing everything that she did. Maybe I'm overreacting, but I really just want to hear what you guys think as I greatly respect everyone's opinion on this forum. I wasn't looking for trouble or to start problems by any means, but I just felt like this teller REALLY crossed the line, especially in the customer service area. I don't know too much about what teller's can and cannot do, but I felt this was completely unacceptable.