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Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:03 pm
by rexmerdinus
So, my wife is pregnant! Yeah, I'm pretty stoked about that--it's our fifth pregnancy, but only the first one that has gone this far (20 weeks, now), so I'm also caustionsly optimistic.

I'm planning to start the kid out on the right path early, and I wanted to get everyone else's thoughts. I was thinking of getting him/her an ASE to comemorate the year we foiund out he/she was on the way, then two 2012's to celebrate the birth, three for the first birthday, and so on until age 18...if my math is right, he/she should have 220 ounces by age 18.

Any other ideas? Thanks!

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:11 pm
by baggerman
First of all CONGRATS! I think that is a great way to put together a stack for your child.

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:19 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
Congrats on the baby!

Yeah, I can feel a little of your pain... we lost our first one, too, at about 10 weeks. The doc told us the best way to avoid grieving about losing that little baby was to hurry up and make another. We did. It was a tuff job, but we did it! (wink, wink ;) )

You have a good idea. I would only add that the child be expected to add to a savings account from his/her own efforts. That teaches them the value of money. Sounds like you are going to start that child off right!

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:29 pm
by theo
I'm very sorry to hear about your past losses.

What you plan is a nice thought, but it may not be practical given today's economic climate. For example when your child is 10, will you be in the position to buy 12 ounces of silver? Getting a 2012 ASE to commermorate the Y.O.B sounds doable though.

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 9:16 pm
by mtalbot_ca
Sorry about previous pregnancy, all the best for the future.

I would simply buy one ASE each month (40$ a month) and fractional AGEs every year (60$ a month) for a total of 100$

This way you can cost average and budget accordingly.


Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:18 pm
by aloneibreak
congrats !

i like your plan

my first was born in 2010

im a diehard silver bug so i bought him a 2010 1 oz. of each of the following...

ASE, maple leaf, kookaburra, brittania, panda, philharmonic and libertad

i figured that would suit his bullion and collector tastes :)

my second is due in april - ive got the kook and the maple leaf - hoping i can get the others before they get too pricey :D

havent thought much ahead of that...

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:26 pm
by Hawkeye
First, congratulations! Second, these are great ideas that I am going to have to remember (no kids yet, but hopefully in the not too distant future).

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:29 pm
by beauanderos
In ten years, when silver is worth a bit more than it is now, I'll be putting in the reverse plan as you guys. I plan to sell some ounces and buy a babe. Just haven't decided which one yet :mrgreen:


Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:23 am
by Rosco
Broaden your taste a little I did not see Read Head Or little old gray haired lady :lol:

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:38 am
by Rosco
Congratulations Our first was born in 1962 We were saving some Silver Dollars but low pay bit us an we spent them on Milk ;)
Shoda woulda could Not :( Too soon OLD too late Smart :oops:

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 9:58 am
by fasteddy
Great for ya'll, we pray that all is good for the next 20 weeks....I like the saving ASE idea. We married in 1987...I bought my first ASE then and kept buying one every month until due to medical costs had to sell them in 2004....was I glad I did save them I didnt make money but at least I had the metal to sell. Since then the tooth fairy will bring my kids an ASE, a few gold dollars and some clad coins for every tooth left under the pillow. My oldest moved out a couple of months ago...a few weeks ago I found his 16 ASE's. I welcomed them to the stack for now.

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:15 am
by scrapper2010
Congrats on the pregnancy and best of luck, we lost two pregnancies and now have two great kids. Our oldest who is now 9 was born two months early with no major complications. My best advice is to be at your wife's beck and call 24/7.

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:28 pm
by rexmerdinus
beauanderos wrote:In ten years, when silver is worth a bit more than it is now, I'll be putting in the reverse plan as you guys. I plan to sell some ounces and buy a babe. Just haven't decided which one yet :mrgreen:

Take two, they're small!

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:30 pm
by Treetop
I buy my kids the 90% silver state quarters sets. My oldest is only 4, and he loves them already. After I get a full set going for each rugrat, Im going to expand some. Probably add some gold at that point.

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:33 pm
by rexmerdinus
Thanks for all the wishes and prayers, y'all, and the ideas. I'll keep you posted on how things are going!

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:37 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
rexmerdinus wrote:
beauanderos wrote:In ten years, when silver is worth a bit more than it is now, I'll be putting in the reverse plan as you guys. I plan to sell some ounces and buy a babe. Just haven't decided which one yet :mrgreen:

Take two, they're small!

What? Beauanderos with two 20 year olds??? He is not wired for 220!! :lol:

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:51 pm
by beauanderos
Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay wrote:
rexmerdinus wrote:
beauanderos wrote:In ten years, when silver is worth a bit more than it is now, I'll be putting in the reverse plan as you guys. I plan to sell some ounces and buy a babe. Just haven't decided which one yet :mrgreen:

Take two, they're small!

What? Beauanderos with two 20 year olds??? He is not wired for 220!! :lol:

Why not? I feel like I'm 110 now? :lol:

Re: Starting a new stack...

PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:22 pm
by Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay
beauanderos wrote:[

Why not? I feel like I'm 110 now? :lol:

Dude, I have told you before and I'll say it again. You have got what most older women want: a pension plan already set in place and you are adding to it everyday. That is the ultimate aphrodisiac to most women over 55! :D :mrgreen:

But, if you would rather have the 20 yr olds ( and who wouldn't?!)... go for it!!