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If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:06 pm
by dan53
Do y'all ever feel like That when you are sharing you experiences, that it seems like you might be bragging? For instance, I know that there are a lot of people here who sort a lot more coin than what I do. I figure there are also those who sort a lot less than I do. Anyways here is the results of my sort yesterday....I picked up my usual four boxes of halves and found the following:

1. 1945 Walking liberty (1)
2. 1963 Franklin (1)
3. 1964 Kennedy (2)
4. Various 40% silver Kennedy halves (11)

I was wondering how many folks here would see these results as being worthwhile?

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:15 pm
by beauanderos
dan53 wrote:Do y'all ever feel like That when you are sharing you experiences, that it seems like you might be bragging? For instance, I know that there are a lot of people here who sort a lot more coin than what I do. I figure there are also those who sort a lot less than I do. Anyways here is the results of my sort yesterday....I picked up my usual four boxes of halves and found the following:

1. 1945 Walking liberty (1)
2. 1963 Franklin (1)
3. 1964 Kennedy (2)
4. Various 40% silver Kennedy halves (11)

I was wondering how many folks here would see these results as being worthwhile?

That's not a bad haul. $102.56 in silver value. Here's how you compute if it was worth it. What is your time worth? How long did it take you to pick up the boxes, search them, prepare them for return, and dumpt them? How does your result compare to how many hours at your job you would have to work to bring home $102.56 net... and purchase them? Now, additionally, admit that you enjoy the hunt, so facter in a dilution factor for the hours spent searching. If twelve hours enjoying your productive hobby equals your net on an eight hour workday, then I'd consider it worthwhile. If your returns are too meager, though, I'd suggest you give up the hunt and just count on the reliability of a larger paycheck by working an extra shift or overtime, if that's available at your worksite. You also have to remember, the silver you find now will be worth multiples of their worth later. Pretend each half dollar is a thousand dollar find (it won't be that long from now) and it will change your outlook and make the hunt more fun. :D

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:32 pm
It all depends on a particular person's opinion of what they consider to be worthwhile. :)

So let's've got 4 90% halves and 11 40% halves. Spot price is $33.40, so that's approximately $48+$54 minus face value $7.50 = $95 FRN's. Let's assume the following, to keep it simple: It took you 15 minutes to go to the bank and order halves (assuming it's local), 15 minutes to pick them up on your way home from work etc, plus a minimum 30 minutes per box to sort (I can personally do a box in 15 minutes) equals another 2 hours of your time. Of course, you still have to wash your hands afterward, plus box/bag the coin and take it to your local coin counter (you are dumping at more than one branch so as not to be noticed, right??). Don't forget to figure in cost of gas too.

That's 2.5 hours so far. Then one of the following:

-Coin counter dumps x 2 branches ($1000 each branch) @ 15 min per branch = another 30 minutes. OR
-Pre-counted bags (ex: some BofA banks will take exact-count plastic bags). Total time is 10 minutes to run your coin counter at home and pre-bag everything, plus 5 minutes per branch for 20 minutes total (assuming no waiting in line).

So that's either 3 hours total time invested or 2.75 hours invested. Let's just assume 3 hours.

Formula: (Melt - face value ) / your time invested = approx. dollars/hour. ($95 - $2 gas )/3 hours = net $31/hour. (we won't discuss taxes for purposes of this conversation)

In my book, anything more than $10 or $15 per hour is worthwhile. So to answer your my opinion, yes it was worth it. I just wish I could score like this all the time. :) Sometimes, I do better than this; other times, not so good.

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:48 pm
by BamaJoe
I'd consider your results worthwhile. If I could average that day in and day out I would take it - especially since I enjoy the hunt (regardless of how much I may piss and moan over skunks) and sort while I'm watching tv (it justifies me wasting time watching the tube).

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:28 pm
by Engineer
On the concept of what your time is worth, I think a little differently about it than most people (probably from working on salary for so many years).

Rather than using my hourly wage, I consider my time to be worth the amount that I get to keep after all the bills are paid. If you've only got $100/week left after paying the rent/utilities/insurance/taxes/transportation/basic food/etc., anything you can do in your spare time to earn more than $2.50/hr is an improvement.

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:57 am
by everything
I would say that's a successful sort. I have one bank 6 miles away and I think that's way to far. I do two boxes a week of halves, my last 4 boxes have yielded nothing.

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:43 am
by slickeast
I would be happy with those results. I buy my halves in bags and dump loose. I also sort while watching TV. So making money to relax on the couch sounds good to me.

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:05 am
by reddirtcoins
I've had streaks of skunks.. now on 12 skunk boxes but, I'm here to tell you I would keep it up even if I hit 40. It's the long haul not the quick reward. I've never seen anyone brag and I feel that when people post their scores they are posting for all to be happy.
BTW: That is good 90% where I'm at. Keep going...

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:18 am
by Lemon Thrower
i sorta get out of sorts, but i sorta don't let it get to me anymore too

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:09 am
by tedandcam
aev wrote:I've had streaks of skunks.. now on 12 skunk boxes but, I'm here to tell you I would keep it up even if I hit 40. It's the long haul not the quick reward. I've never seen anyone brag and I feel that when people post their scores they are posting for all to be happy.
BTW: That is good 90% where I'm at. Keep going...

Thanks for your post. Its encouraged me to work on some halves again. I figured 3 skunks meant they werent worth dealing with (obvious im a noob at this hobby. LOL) I agree, seeing other peoples success has been the encouragement Ive needed to do what Im doing! Thanks to all the members of this site!

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:16 am
by Copper Catcher
Somewhat related to the question......

I'll toss out an opinion for ya...A long time ago I finally came up with the realization that I did not want my life to be defined just by money. Either trying to get more of it or spending it.

When you have a chance to go to a third world county, it is amazing to see how people live differently and you find that most seem satisfied at almost any income level. Sure, no one wants to live in abject poverty. But living in the US we have no clue what real poverty looks like. More than half the world lives on less than $2.00 a day. Most of us spend more than that on breakfast buying a biscut and drink.

For me "quality of life" is defined by the time you spend with the ones you love and doing the things you like to do, and simply enjoying the moments! I think most of us like some sort of adventure and want a break from the routine. Sorting and doing coins and finding something is secondary to the satisfaction of the search, what I often call the "thrill of the hunt"!

This thrill takes on different meanings to different people. Some folks are driven in business and like "doing the deal". The money is important for many because for them this is a meter to determine their level of success. While I understand that, I also know that few ever learn what enough looks like. Also, when you get to that point I have to wonder what life might be like if people focused their time and energy differently than trying to add more to the pile? Regardless, if adding more is what brings people satisfaction you can't expect someone to just quit, because then they will feel like they have lost their sense of purpose.

More is not always better, but it sure is tempting! ;)

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 11:52 am
by slickeast
After reading CC's comment this came to mind.

To me sorting halves is compared to someone going out fishing or hunting. If you catch a fish or bag a deer, great, it was a good day. If not, you still enjoyed the day.

When it becomes an obsession or you become dependant on the financial gain, the fun quickly disappears. Hobby becomes job.

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:04 pm
Copper Catcher wrote:Somewhat related to the question......

I'll toss out an opinion for ya...A long time ago I finally came up with the realization that I did not want my life to be defined just by money. Either trying to get more of it or spending it.

When you have a chance to go to a third world county, it is amazing to see how people live differently and you find that most seem satisfied at almost any income level. Sure, no one wants to live in abject poverty. But living in the US we have no clue what real poverty looks like. More than half the world lives on less than $2.00 a day. Most of us spend more than that on breakfast buying a biscut and drink.

For me "quality of life" is defined by the time you spend with the ones you love and doing the things you like to do, and simply enjoying the moments! I think most of us like some sort of adventure and want a break from the routine. Sorting and doing coins and finding something is secondary to the satisfaction of the search, what I often call the "thrill of the hunt"!

This thrill takes on different meanings to different people. Some folks are driven in business and like "doing the deal". The money is important for many because for them this is a meter to determine their level of success. While I understand that, I also know that few ever learn what enough looks like. Also, when you get to that point I have to wonder what life might be like if people focused their time and energy differently than trying to add more to the pile? Regardless, if adding more is what brings people satisfaction you can't expect someone to just quit, because then they will feel like they have lost their sense of purpose.

More is not always better, but it sure is tempting! ;)

I concur with CC. I have also been overseas and visited many countries, poor and rich. Even in the poor countries, I have encountered many poor people who were content with their lives. Americans are spoiled. When the SHTF here, we will be the most affected, since most are lazy, don't prepare and are not self-sufficient.

It's a fun hobby, but I don't spend all of my time doing it. I have other hobbies/interests that keep me busy as well.

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:32 pm
by jacer333
Slick: +1
CC: +1

Well said guys!

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:45 pm
by dan53
Wow. Thanks for all the great replies. The main thing I should point out here is that I have plenty of time to sort. I am retired and on 100% disability. And I really DO enjoy the hunt. I think we belong to an exclusive club. I say that because there's a feeling we get when we dump the coins out of the roll and spot that silver edge standing out. You know that makes ya happy!

Re: If a sort is unsuccessful, do you get out of sorts?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:27 pm
by Shifty51
If I did get out of sorts I would have quit a long time ago...I get a lot of skunks.