To Tell or Not to Tell

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To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby sdmarasso » Tue Oct 26, 2010 1:26 am

So I was curious how many of you guys tell people what you do and how you do it as in the search for silver? Curious what you tell the banks when they ask. In the past I haven't really liked telling people what I do however I have figured out that 99% of the people out there wouldn't copy you because A) They don't have the capital to do it or B) They don't have the desire or drive to do it. There is kind of a learning curve on what to ask and how to ask. Where to return the excess waste (Copper Clad) and how much will and won't get you booted among the other various things that just go with the territory. Still in spite of this I am wary of informing stupid people for fear they will infringe on my territory :) I have always been of the opinion that stupid and ignorant people should just stay that way. It's better for me. Any thoughts anyone?
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby AGCoinHunter » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:36 am

Loose lips sink ships. I dont tell anyone other than my immediate family and the only reason they know is because they see me doing it.
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby Sheikh_yer_Bu'Tay » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:48 am

The best line I have used yet is "these babies make great poker chips!". It gets a laugh every time and subtly changes the subject to poker.
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby Devil Soundwave » Tue Oct 26, 2010 7:28 am

I've told my Dad and Brother, only to try and get them on board but they think I'm insane.

I've also told the receptionist where I work as she was intruiged by all the heavy packages I get. She's a friend I have known for a good few years and has no interest in such things so I felt safe sharing.

Most people I work with cut me some slack anyway as I have autism spectrum disorder (high functioning apparently - I always just thought I was a social misfit).
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby wayne1956 » Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:02 am

I just tell the folks when I turn the clad in that I am trying to complete a series, one of every date and mint mark. I never mention the word silver. If they say anything about silver I mention that I havent seen one of those in quite some time.
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby beauanderos » Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:23 pm

If you really take some time to think about it... how many people know that silver was once in halves? You've had two generations of people that never experienced circulating silver and only know about it from their parents and grandparents, or if they're coin collectors, money historians, etc. That could account for the constancy of a small amount of the 40% in circulation (it doesn't look all that different when well-circulated). Of course, 90% will stand out from edge-checking, or the fact that it might be a Franklin or Walker (or even a Barber!) We sometimes mock the "old people" that turn in solid rolls of silver halves... but if they don't know any different, it's just cash to them. So maybe it's best not to educate the public? More of them than already know?
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby rickygee » Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:03 pm

OK, yous guys lissen up. Here it is in black n white, right. Be checkin' out the poleece reports on thefts, bagurglaries and generally peeps bein ripped off. Who be the fuzzuz #1 suspect? Family members. #2, friends of family members, #3 neighborhood peeps with big ears, binoculars, that talk to #1 and #2. KEEP YOU MOUTH SHUT! KEEP WHAT IS YOURS, YOURS. TANK YOU VERY MUCH.
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby Heartkill » Wed Oct 27, 2010 8:52 pm

I guess I'm the minority here. Most of the tellers at my main pickup branch (where I order half boxes and pick up about 1k of CWR dimes a week) know what I do, ask me questions about it, and they set aside silver or anything odd for me. Also, when I was dumping CWR dimes back at one of my dump branches, one of the tellers mentioned he searches $1k bags of dimes and sells them to the pawn shop for 8x face. I told him I can do better than that and next time he's ready to sell to give me a call. I like to make contacts with people, network I guess. Of course every area of the country is different, and here in central GA where the base employs half of the city, showing up in uniform 99% of the time might help. I think I've found more silver after I started talking to tellers more than when I first started out.
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby blackrabbit » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:23 pm

I like Heartkill's style. When I am open and honest with people they always treat me much better and let me get away with a lot more. ;) I got no problem trying to educate my fellow American's about our desperate situation. Maybe they can retain some wealth too as the dollar dies. I would rather have people with a little loot in my community than coin-less hungry desperate poor people. I try to educate all the tellers I deal with at every store I go to about pennies and nickels. I figure even the poor kids can still hoard copper pennies and nickels. I know most folks are not too smart or motivated so I don't worry about competition. Also, the more hoarders there are the more the price rises so it's good for all. Peace!
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered....The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
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Re: To Tell or Not to Tell

Postby didou » Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:50 am

rickygee wrote:OK, yous guys lissen up. Here it is in black n white, right. Be checkin' out the poleece reports on thefts, bagurglaries and generally peeps bein ripped off. Who be the fuzzuz #1 suspect? Family members. #2, friends of family members, #3 neighborhood peeps with big ears, binoculars, that talk to #1 and #2. KEEP YOU MOUTH SHUT! KEEP WHAT IS YOURS, YOURS. TANK YOU VERY MUCH.

I agree with that, if people are closer to you, they can harm you more. And if you look at the stats that's what happen in real life.

But closing your mouth is almost impossible. At least bank teller will know you play with a lot of coins. And the guys you know and see in the bank and can't make them forget it and not talking about that. I think it need a better strategy here.

I love the poker chip idea, it's close to the truth without saying it, it allow you to talk about it without trying to hide something, some people are very sensitive and will catch on that.

Eventually there a need to deal with some people, you can't escape it. If there is war, big economical depression, raise in prices of oil, electromagnetic pulse bomb, ... You will have to deal with people physically very close to you.

I don't think survival and prosperity is about metal or supply, it's a human game, for better or worst, this is only a Tit For Tat game see, if you can deal with human social interaction, trust the trustworthy people, saying half lies to untrustworthy people, you're alive and well. If you can't you're dead. Wealthiest and most happy people aren't the smartest, you can't beat the game with intelligence like trying to hide your metal from everyone. That's don't mean you should yell it at everyone who pass near you ;) Managing human interaction risk is all that matter.

For the original question i say go for it : tell them. The best way to win the tit for tat game is to play cooperative first. Tell them what you're doing and why and lend a hand to see if they are cooperating with you, you can win a lot more by having some bank teller on you're side. But always keep your others hand firmly on your hand gun. Be upfront about it and ask for cooperation, but always be ready for war.


That's exactly what we can see on the american silver eagle. The eagle have a shield to protect himself and in his right talon have a olive branch which mean peace and cooperation and arrows in its left talon which mean war. The eagle head is turned to his right meaning that he will play and prefer to play peace and cooperation first. That's the most profitable strategy for both you and your oponent in a tit for tat game.

The current problem in society, i believe, is people have forget they have a arrow in one hand, they place peace and cooperative without having a backup plan to defend them self against the one who don't play cooperative. They are probably going to pay with their life that mistake.
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